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Multi select drop down list for enum




Which way I can implement dropdown list for enum values?

I have a enum like this:

public enum ValueEnum : byte
    [Description("Value 1")]
    Value1 = 1,
    [Description("Value 2")]
    Value2 = 2,
    [Description("Value 3")]
    Value3 = 4

and I want to get single value from multiple select on server side instead of list of selected values:

    public ActionResult ValueAction(ValueEnum result)
        //too many code
        return View();

where result can be ValueEnum.Value1 or ValueEnum.Value1 | ValueEnum.Value3

Is there a way to do it without client side sum?

like image 816
Mikhail Tulubaev Avatar asked Mar 04 '16 11:03

Mikhail Tulubaev

People also ask

Can we select multiple options in dropdown?

Dropdown lists are one of the most flexible elements in HTML. It is similar to that of the radio input, that is, only one item can be selected from a group of items by default. However, when the multiple attribute is used with the <select> element, we can enable the selection of multiple options from the list.

Can you have a list of enums?

Yes. If you do not care about the order, use EnumSet , an implementation of Set . enum Animal{ DOG , CAT , BIRD , BAT ; } Set<Animal> flyingAnimals = EnumSet.

What is a multiselect dropdown?

Multi select dropdown list is used when a user wants to store multiple values for the same record, whereas dropdown list is used to store a single value for a record. You can create custom categories of either dropdown list or multi select dropdown list and define items in each category.

Can multiple enums have the same value?

Two enum names can have same value. For example, in the following C program both 'Failed' and 'Freezed' have same value 0.

1 Answers

I solved it on the client side with the following behaviour:

Get method:

public ActionResult ValueAction(ValueEnum result)
    //irrelevant code
    ViewBag.Values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ValueEnum))
                    .Select(x => new SelectListItem 
                            Text = x.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>().Description,
                            Value = ((byte)x).ToString()
    return View();


    @*irrelevant code*@

    @Html.DropDownList("valueEnum", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Values, new { multiple="multiple", id="enumValues" })
    @*Here would be stored result value for this flagged enum*@
    <input type='hidden' name='resultValue' id='hidden-enum-value' />

    @*irrelevant code*@
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />


$(function() {
    $('form').submit(function() {
        var vals = $('#enumValues').val();
        var result = 0;

        for(let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
            result += Number(vals[i]);


Post method:

public ActionResult ValueAction(ValueEnum resultValue)
    //irrelevant code
    return View();
like image 102
Mikhail Tulubaev Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10

Mikhail Tulubaev