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multi_line hover in bokeh

As in this question:

Bokeh multi_line and HoverTool

I found that hovertool is not implemented for multi_line plots which is a bit of a setback. This is mentioned under 'warnings' here: http://docs.bokeh.org/en/0.11.0/docs/reference/models/tools.html#bokeh.models.tools.HoverTool

Is there any work arounds for this? Also, If I were to implement this feature, what would be a good place to start and is there anything specific to be aware of? Also, is this feature in the current Bokeh roadmap?

like image 548
plaindev Avatar asked Jul 11 '16 10:07


1 Answers

As of Bokeh 0.12.4 (earlier, actually but I forget the exact release) the hover tool supports mutli_line:

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

from bokeh.plotting import show, figure
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
from bokeh.palettes import Viridis6

RT_x = np.linspace(118, 123, num=50)

mass_spec = defaultdict(list)
for scale, mz in [(1.0, 83), (0.9, 55), (0.6, 98), (0.4, 43), (0.2, 39), (0.12, 29)]:
    mass_spec["RT_intensity"].append(norm(loc=120.4).pdf(RT_x) * scale)
mass_spec['color'] = Viridis6

source = ColumnDataSource(mass_spec)

p = figure(plot_height=400)
p.multi_line(xs='RT', ys='RT_intensity', legend="Intensity_tip",
             line_width=5, line_color='color', line_alpha=0.6,
             hover_line_color='color', hover_line_alpha=1.0,

p.add_tools(HoverTool(show_arrow=False, line_policy='next', tooltips=[
    ('MZ', '@MZ_tip'),
    ('Rel Intensity', '@Intensity_tip')


Which results in

enter image description here

like image 133
bigreddot Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09
