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Multi-insert statement in Hive




I am coming across a problem with multi-insert in Hive

FROM staged_employees se
INSERT INTO TABLE us_employees
    AS SELECT * WHERE se.cnty = 'US'
INSERT INTO TABLE ca_employees
    AS SELECT * WHERE se.cnty = 'CA'

As far as I know, the multi-inserts are not IF ... ELSE ... construct, however, is it possible to make it into IF ... ELSE ... construct?

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user1653240 Avatar asked Nov 24 '22 07:11


1 Answers

HQL has no support for conditional logic. A literal answer to your question about splitting apart the insert is:

INSERT INTO TABLE us_employees
FROM staged_employees se
WHERE se.cnty = 'US'

INSERT INTO TABLE ca_employees
FROM staged_employees se
WHERE se.cnty = 'CA'

All you will accomplish by splitting out your queries is reading all of the data from the staged_employees table twice. And, potentially, making other users of your cluster incredibly annoyed.

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Jeremiah Peschka Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 18:12

Jeremiah Peschka