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multi-column index for string match + string similarity with pg_trgm?

Given this table:

integer id
string name
string type

And a query like this:

select * from foos where name ilike '%bar%'

I can make a pg_trgm index like this to make lookups faster:

CREATE INDEX ON foos USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops)


my question: what about a query like this:

select * from foos where name ilike '%bar%' AND type = 'baz'

Can I possibly make an index that will help the lookup of both columns?

(I know that trigram isn't strictly fulltext but I'm tagging this question as such anyway)

like image 422
John Bachir Avatar asked Feb 05 '14 21:02

John Bachir

1 Answers

You can use a multicolumn index combining different types.

First, add the two extensions required in your case:


pg_trgm allows you to use trigram indexes and btree_gist allows you to combine gist and b-tree indexes, which is what you want!

For a query like:

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE type = 'baz' AND name ilike '%bar%';

You can now create an index like:

CREATE INDEX ON foo USING gist (type, name gist_trgm_ops);

As usual, the order of columns has to be the same between the query and the index.

like image 197
pidupuis Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
