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MSDTC and firewall [closed]




We are using MSDTC for SQL transactions. I am having issue with setting up firewall for MSDTC to work. The application and SQL are running on separate machine. Currently MSDTC is working if i turn off firewall on application server. I think there should be someway to add exception to the firewall setting for some ports. So that firewall can still be ON and DTC will not have any issues. I am not sure of the ports to add in firewall setting (I did try adding port 135 with no success)

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Balaji Avatar asked Sep 18 '09 15:09


People also ask

What ports need to be open for MSDTC?

All ports must be in the range of 1024 to 65535. If any port is outside this range or if any string is invalid, RPC will treat the entire configuration as invalid. Microsoft recommends that you open up ports from 5000 and up, and that you open a minimum of 15 to 20 ports.

How do I troubleshoot MSDTC firewall problems?

If Windows Firewall is running, add an exception for the MSDTC service. The Windows Firewall service may block MSDTC communications between computers. To ensure that MSDTC communications are not blocked between computers, add msdtc.exe to the Windows Firewall exception list if the Windows Firewall service is running.

What is MSDTC error?

Microsoft's Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) allows a variety of resource managers to transact across a network. In case if the Network DTC is disallowed on a certain system using a particular network configuration, it may abort the transaction.

1 Answers

Have your Firewall allow port 135 and the dcom port range. By default, the dcom port range is 1024-65535. Thats a big range to open up. You can limit this range in the registry or using dcomcnfg. This post describes this:


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Matt Wrock Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 18:11

Matt Wrock