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MSBuild task silent execution

I have msbuild script that perfectly working. But when it runs when build task executed I'm seeing all output of building progress. Is there a way to just write :

Building project ... OK.

instead of 1000 rows of text?

like image 925
Valentyn Vynogradskiy Avatar asked Oct 10 '14 07:10

Valentyn Vynogradskiy

1 Answers

Use verbosity parameter to set log to the level you'd like, e.g.:

msbuild myScript.proj /verbosity:quiet


Sorry, that was not clear from the original question, but (from the comments) it looks like you want to have different verbosity levels for different Tasks. I don't think this is supported out-of-the box. You could try 2 solutions:

  1. Run your task using Exec task (see this question for details)
  2. Implement a custom logger and filter messages by task name.
like image 133
Isantipov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10
