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MSBuild Copy task not copying files the first time round



I created a build.proj file which consists of a task to copy files that will be generated after the build is complete. The problem is that these files are not copied the first time round and I have to run msbuild again on the build.proj so that the files can be copied. Please can anyone tell me whats wrong with the following build.proj file:

<Configuration Condition="'$(Configuration)' == ''">Debug</Configuration>

<SourcePath Condition="'$(SourcePath)' == ''">$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)</SourcePath> 




<Target Name="Build">
   <Message text = "Building project" />    
     Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration)" /> 

   <OutputFiles Include ="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\**\**\bin\Debug\*.*"/>

<Target Name="CopyToBuildFolder">
   <Message text = "Copying build items" />
   <Copy SourceFiles="@(OutputFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(BuildDir)"/>

<Target Name="All"
   DependsOnTargets="Build; CopyToBuildFolder"/>

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Draco Avatar asked Mar 03 '09 14:03


Video Answer

1 Answers

The itemgroups are evaluated when the script is parsed. At that time your files aren't there yet. To be able to find the files you'll have to fill the itemgroup from within a target.

  <!-- SQL Scripts which are needed for deployment -->
  <Target Name="BeforeCopySqlScripts">
    <CreateItem Include="$(SolutionRoot)\04\**\Databases\**\*.sql">
      <Output ItemName="CopySqlScript" TaskParameter="Include"/>

This example creates the ItemGroup named "CopySqlScript" using the expression in the Include attribute.


Now I can read your script: add the CreateItem tag within your CopyToBuildFolder target

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thijs Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 23:09
