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MS Access to Oracle easy Conversion / Migration

Are there any good easy to use softwares to export Access Database files to an Oracle 11g database?

I know that this might not be the most usual case but applications grow, especially with old applications that uses old technologies such as Access in this case needs to be upgraded at some point.

Tutorials and articles regarding Access 2003 and 2007 migrations would be preffered.

There is a tool called mdbtools which would help by doing something like this:

for i in *.mdb;do mdb-schema $i oracle > $i.schema.sql;done

However I am on a Windows enviornment and mdbtools seems to be a Linux-only tool.

like image 783
Filip Ekberg Avatar asked Jan 11 '10 09:01

Filip Ekberg

1 Answers

The Migration Workbench which comes with Oracle's (free) SQL Developer tool supports migrating from MS Access. Find out more.


Because I don't use MS Access myself I missed an important point: SQL Developer doesn't support migration from Access 2007. However, according to this thread on the OTN SQL Developer forum, it can be made to work with the latest version of SQL Developer (that is, 2.1).

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APC Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10