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Moving a caption-less window by using a "drag area"



I would like to have my own caption bar and therefore I am using basically a panel (Name: pnCaption) and remove the original caption bar in CreateParams. But the ability to move the window by MouseDown-MouseMove in the new panel is a problem.

Normally you would use the NCHITTEST message. BUT this isn't signaled if the mouse is over the panel (my own caption). See code ...

procedure TForm1.CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams);  
  inherited Createparams(Params);  
  with Params do  
    Style := (Style or WS_POPUP) and (not WS_DLGFRAME);  

procedure TForm1.WM_NCHitTest(var Msg: TWMNcHitTest);  
  if PtInRect(pnCaption.BoundsRect, ScreenToClient(Point(Msg.XPos, Msg.YPos)))  
      then Msg.Result := HTCAPTION;  

I would appreciate any hints how to accomplish that task.


like image 573
Christian Avatar asked Oct 20 '10 09:10


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Two ways to move a dialog by dragging its client area. This article is aimed at beginners, and presents two ways to move a dialog which does not have a caption by dragging its client area. 1. WM_SYSCOMMAND message Sending the WM_SYSCOMMAND message starts the move operation. Add the following code to handle the mouse down event:

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To change the Drag and Drop sensitivity in Windows, follow these steps: Start the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) Go to the following branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. In the right pane, set the data for DragHeight and DragWidth values to 50. Exit the Registry Editor. Logoff and login back for the change to take effect.

1 Answers

You can always drag a window by any control that has a mousedown event by using the "Magic" $F012 number with a WM_SYSCOMMAND message. It's something I picked up from Ray Kanopka (author of the excellent raize components), but I no longer remember how this was imparted to me.

It is also a neat and simple way of allowing users to move borderless forms by giving them a label of panel that looks like a caption. For example, I use it to allow users to move a borderless about dialog:

procedure TAbout_Dlg.LblTitleMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
  Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  sc_DragMove = $F012;
  Perform( wm_SysCommand, sc_DragMove, 0 );
like image 200
Marjan Venema Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Marjan Venema