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move xcode project causes red text (missing files from project)




When I move iphone project directory to a new path. There are some red texts indicate the missing files from the project source codes. How to avoid these?

like image 652
arachide Avatar asked Jan 06 '11 09:01


People also ask

What does a red folder mean in Xcode?

It means they are not found on disk where your project believes they should be. Control-click and Show In Finder to see the folder location to locate the file and drag it back in to the project, and delete the bad reference.

Where does Xcode place the files that created when it builds your project?

It should by located in: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData .

Where are Xcode projects saved?

Original answer: By default projects are saved in User/Documents/xCode.

1 Answers

Here is how to locate the missing (red) files using the Xcode 4 interface:

  1. Select the file or files in the left hand Project Navigator (the folder icon)
  2. In the right sidebar click on "File Inspector" which is the leftmost icon resembling a page
  3. In the "Identity and Type" section, there is a grey box labeled "Location".
  4. Click on the small icon to the lower left that resembles a file browser - this will come up with a file browser to locate the file.

Voila, you are done.

like image 83
snibbe Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 01:09
