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Move and replace if same file name already exists?

Here is below code which will move and replace individual file:

import shutil import os src = 'scrFolder' dst = './dstFolder/' filelist = []  files = os.listdir( src ) for filename in files:     filelist.append(filename)     fullpath = src + '/' + filename     shutil.move(fullpath, dst) 

If I execute same command and moving file which already existed in dst folder, I am getting shutil.Error: Destination path './dstFolder/file.txt' already exists. How to do move and replace if same file name already exists?

like image 983
user1891916 Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 15:08


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How do you handle a file already exists?

This error has the following causes and solutions: This error occurs at run time when the new file name, for example, one specified in a Name statement, is identical to a file name that already exists. Specify a new file name in the Name statement or delete the old file before specifying it in a Name statement.

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basename(src_filename)); shutil. move(src_filename, dst_filename) --> then you don't get an exception raised. You don't need to specify the full path. If the filename is included in the destination path (relative or absolute) shutil will overwrite.

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To overwrite a file, to write new content into a file, we have to open our file in “w” mode, which is the write mode. It will delete the existing content from a file first; then, we can write new content and save it. We have a new file with the name “myFile. txt”.

1 Answers

If you specify the full path to the destination (not just the directory) then shutil.move will overwrite any existing file:

shutil.move(os.path.join(src, filename), os.path.join(dst, filename)) 
like image 117
ecatmur Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
