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Move an entire folder from windows to Android emulator





Is it possible to move an entire folder as is from windows to an android emulator? - I am sure the answer to this exists somewhere but I am not able to find it. I can move one file at a time either via adb command line or via ddms but neither gives me the option to move entire folder with multiple folders and files inside and when I try to it gives me this error

C:\>adb push C:\Users\peng-lp-10\Desktop\ABC\ /mnt/sdcard/ABC/
cannot stat 'C:\Users\peng-lp-10\Desktop\ABC\': No such file or direct

even if the folder exists.

like image 848
Vrashabh Irde Avatar asked Jul 16 '12 03:07

Vrashabh Irde

1 Answers

Look at this question,furikuretsu says:

you can simply drag any sets of files and folders to File Explorer (a window in DDMS perspective). No need of using arrow icons.

It works fine.

like image 86
hasanghaforian Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 19:10
