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mouse wheel isn't scrolling in tmux


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Can not scroll in Tmux?

Just press ctrl + b then [ to move around with the arrow keys. Just as with the mouse settings you have to add them to your . tmux. conf to make them permanent.

How do I scroll down in Tmux?

In Tmux, you can scroll up and down by using the following methods: Press the Ctrl + B keys, then the subsequent “[]” key. To navigate the Tmux interface, use the standard keyboard navigation keys such as up/down arrows, page up/page down, etc.

What is Tmux mouse mode?

Tmux is an open-source terminal multiplexer application for efficiently managing multiple terminal windows. People who have previously used the Terminator application are mostly familiar with the notion of tab management in Linux Terminal. With Tmux, we can split the terminal into several panes.

It scrolls ok in vim but not in tmux.

I followed suggestions like adding

set -g history-limit 1000 set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@' setw -g mode-mouse on set-window-option -g mode-mouse on 

to .tmux.conf but none of them helped

All I get, regardless of the above is history command scrolling.