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Most efficient list to data.frame method?

Just had a conversation with coworkers about this, and we thought it'd be worth seeing what people out in SO land had to say. Suppose I had a list with N elements, where each element was a vector of length X. Now suppose I wanted to transform that into a data.frame. As with most things in R, there are multiple ways of skinning the proverbial cat, such as as.dataframe, using the plyr package, comboing do.call with cbind, pre-allocating the DF and filling it in, and others.

The problem that was presented was what happens when either N or X (in our case it is X) becomes extremely large. Is there one cat skinning method that's notably superior when efficiency (particularly in terms of memory) is of the essence?

like image 766
geoffjentry Avatar asked May 09 '11 21:05


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1 Answers

Since a data.frame is already a list and you know that each list element is the same length (X), the fastest thing would probably be to just update the class and row.names attributes:

set.seed(21) n <- 1e6 x <- list(x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n), z=rnorm(n)) x <- c(x,x,x,x,x,x)  system.time(a <- as.data.frame(x)) system.time(b <- do.call(data.frame,x)) system.time({   d <- x  # Skip 'c' so Joris doesn't down-vote me! ;-)   class(d) <- "data.frame"   rownames(d) <- 1:n   names(d) <- make.unique(names(d)) })  identical(a, b)  # TRUE identical(b, d)  # TRUE 

Update - this is ~2x faster than creating d:

system.time({   e <- x   attr(e, "row.names") <- c(NA_integer_,n)   attr(e, "class") <- "data.frame"   attr(e, "names") <- make.names(names(e), unique=TRUE) })  identical(d, e)  # TRUE 

Update 2 - I forgot about memory consumption. The last update makes two copies of e. Using the attributes function reduces that to only one copy.

set.seed(21) f <- list(x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n), z=rnorm(n)) f <- c(f,f,f,f,f,f) tracemem(f) system.time({  # makes 2 copies   attr(f, "row.names") <- c(NA_integer_,n)   attr(f, "class") <- "data.frame"   attr(f, "names") <- make.names(names(f), unique=TRUE) })  set.seed(21) g <- list(x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n), z=rnorm(n)) g <- c(g,g,g,g,g,g) tracemem(g) system.time({  # only makes 1 copy   attributes(g) <- list(row.names=c(NA_integer_,n),     class="data.frame", names=make.names(names(g), unique=TRUE)) })  identical(f,g)  # TRUE 
like image 83
Joshua Ulrich Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Joshua Ulrich