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Most common substring of length X

I have a string s and I want to search for the substring of length X that occurs most often in s. Overlapping substrings are allowed.

For example, if s="aoaoa" and X=3, the algorithm should find "aoa" (which appears 2 times in s).

Does an algorithm exist that does this in O(n) time?

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qjkx Avatar asked Oct 20 '09 20:10


People also ask

How many substrings does a length inclusive have?

+n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2} so total no substrings possible = 0 length strings + \frac{n(n+1)}{2} = 1+ [\frac{n(n+1)}{2}] so total no of substrings possible in n length string (All length inclusive )= 1 + [\frac{n(n+1)}{2}] = \frac{8(8+1)}{2} = 37.

What is the time complexity of longest substring?

The time complexity of finding the longest non-repeated substring is O(n).

3 Answers

You can do this using a rolling hash in O(n) time (assuming good hash distribution). A simple rolling hash would be the xor of the characters in the string, you can compute it incrementally from the previous substring hash using just 2 xors. (See the Wikipedia entry for better rolling hashes than xor.) Compute the hash of your n-x+1 substrings using the rolling hash in O(n) time. If there were no collisions, the answer is clear - if collisions happen, you'll need to do more work. My brain hurts trying to figure out if that can all be resolved in O(n) time.


Here's a randomized O(n) algorithm. You can find the top hash in O(n) time by scanning the hashtable (keeping it simple, assume no ties). Find one X-length string with that hash (keep a record in the hashtable, or just redo the rolling hash). Then use an O(n) string searching algorithm to find all occurrences of that string in s. If you find the same number of occurrences as you recorded in the hashtable, you're done.

If not, that means you have a hash collision. Pick a new random hash function and try again. If your hash function has log(n)+1 bits and is pairwise independent [Prob(h(s) == h(t)) < 1/2^{n+1} if s != t], then the probability that the most frequent x-length substring in s hash a collision with the <=n other length x substrings of s is at most 1/2. So if there is a collision, pick a new random hash function and retry, you will need only a constant number of tries before you succeed.

Now we only need a randomized pairwise independent rolling hash algorithm.


Actually, you need 2log(n) bits of hash to avoid all (n choose 2) collisions because any collision may hide the right answer. Still doable, and it looks like hashing by general polynomial division should do the trick.

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Keith Randall Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Keith Randall

I don't see an easy way to do this in strictly O(n) time, unless X is fixed and can be considered a constant. If X is a parameter to the algorithm, then most simple ways of doing this will actually be O(n*X), as you will need to do comparison operations, string copies, hashes, etc., on a substring of length X at every iteration.

(I'm imagining, for a minute, that s is a multi-gigabyte string, and that X is some number over a million, and not seeing any simple ways of doing string comparison, or hashing substrings of length X, that are O(1), and not dependent on the size of X)

It might be possible to avoid string copies during scanning, by leaving everything in place, and to avoid re-hashing the entire substring -- perhaps by using an incremental hash algorithm where you can add a byte at a time, and remove the oldest byte -- but I don't know of any such algorithms that wouldn't result in huge numbers of collisions that would need to be filtered out with an expensive post-processing step.


Keith Randall points out that this kind of hash is known as a rolling hash. It still remains, though, that you would have to store the starting string position for each match in your hash table, and then verify after scanning the string that all of your matches were true. You would need to sort the hashtable, which could contain n-X entries, based on the number of matches found for each hash key, and verify each result -- probably not doable in O(n).

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Ian Clelland Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Ian Clelland

It should be O(n*m) where m is the average length of a string in the list. For very small values of m then the algorithm will approach O(n)

  • Build a hashtable of counts for each string length
  • Iterate over your collection of strings, updating the hashtable accordingly, storing the current most prevelant number as an integer variable separate from the hashtable
  • done.
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Chris Ballance Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Chris Ballance