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More than one folder / project in one Sublime Text 3 window

I can have only one project / path opened in in the same time, in one Sublime Text 3 window.

Each time I quickly switch project (Ctrl+Alt+P), new project replaces current one. Each time I open new folder (File > Open Folder...) or project (Project > Open Project...), it is opened in a new Sublime Text window.

Can I have more than one project opened in one Sublime Text 3 window? If yes -- how to achieve this?

like image 974
trejder Avatar asked Sep 08 '14 09:09


People also ask

How do I make multiple folders in Sublime Text 3?

There are a few different ways to add more folders. You can try dragging folders directly onto the sidebar. Or you can go to Project > Add Folder to Project (from the menu).

How do I add multiple projects in Sublime Text 3?

Open one of the projects in Sublime Text just like you always do. Do one of the following: Drag the root directory of the second project from the file explorer to the sidebar of the first project ST window. In your terminal cd to the second project and enter subl .

How do I display folders in Sublime Text 3?

You have to add a folder to the Sublime Text window in order to navigate via the sidebar. Go to File -> Open Folder... and select the highest directory you want to be able to navigate. Also, 'View -> Sidebar -> Show Sidebar' if it still doesn't show.

How do I create a project folder in sublime?

You can add and remove folders to/from a project using the Project menu or the side bar's context menu. If you drag a folder onto a Sublime Text window, it will be added to the project too. To save an anonymous project, go to Project → Save Project As….

1 Answers

If by having multiple projects in one window you mean having multiple directories that are located in different places of your system at once in the sidebar tree, then yes, you can achieve this.

  1. Open one of the projects in Sublime Text just like you always do.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Drag the root directory of the second project from the file explorer to the sidebar of the first project ST window.

    • In your terminal cd to the second project and enter subl . -a.

-a flag means to add to the last focused window instead of opening in a new window).


Even easier solution.

Open the first project. Go to (in the menu above)

Project -> Add folder to project

like image 182
Sergey Telshevsky Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Sergey Telshevsky