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More efficient means of creating a corpus and DTM with 4M rows

My file has over 4M rows and I need a more efficient way of converting my data to a corpus and document term matrix such that I can pass it to a bayesian classifier.

Consider the following code:


GetCorpus <-function(textVector)
  doc.corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(textVector))
  doc.corpus <- tm_map(doc.corpus, tolower)
  doc.corpus <- tm_map(doc.corpus, removeNumbers)
  doc.corpus <- tm_map(doc.corpus, removePunctuation)
  doc.corpus <- tm_map(doc.corpus, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
  doc.corpus <- tm_map(doc.corpus, stemDocument, "english")
  doc.corpus <- tm_map(doc.corpus, stripWhitespace)
  doc.corpus <- tm_map(doc.corpus, PlainTextDocument)

data <- data.frame(
  c("Let the big dogs hunt","No holds barred","My child is an honor student"), stringsAsFactors = F)

corp <- GetCorpus(data[,1])


dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corp)


The output:

> inspect(corp)
<<VCorpus (documents: 3, metadata (corpus/indexed): 0/0)>>

<<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>>
let big dogs hunt

<<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>>
 holds bar

<<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>>
 child honor stud
> inspect(dtm)
<<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 3, terms: 9)>>
Non-/sparse entries: 9/18
Sparsity           : 67%
Maximal term length: 5
Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

Docs           bar big child dogs holds honor hunt let stud
  character(0)   0   1     0    1     0     0    1   1    0
  character(0)   1   0     0    0     1     0    0   0    0
  character(0)   0   0     1    0     0     1    0   0    1

My question is, what can I use to create a corpus and DTM faster? It seems to be extremely slow if I use over 300k rows.

I have heard that I could use data.table but I am not sure how.

I have also looked at the qdap package, but it gives me an error when trying to load the package, plus I don't even know if it will work.

Ref. http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/qdap/qdap.pdf

like image 643
user1477388 Avatar asked Aug 15 '14 16:08


People also ask

What is DTM in R?

What is a DTM? It is a matrix with rows and columns, where each document in some sample of texts (called a corpus) are the rows and the columns are all the unique words (often called types or vocabulary) in the corpus.

Which function can be used to create a term document matrix in R?

Using Text Mining Initializing function for making term-document matrix.

What is a document matrix explain with an example?

A document-term matrix is a mathematical matrix that describes the frequency of terms that occur in a collection of documents. In a document-term matrix, rows correspond to documents in the collection and columns correspond to terms.

How does term document matrix work?

A term-document matrix represents the relationship between terms and documents, where each row stands for a term and each column for a document, and an entry is the number of occurrences of the term in the document. Alternatively, one can also build a document-term matrix by swapping row and column.

1 Answers

This is better than my earlier answer.

The quanteda package has evolved significantly and is now faster and much simpler to use given its built-in tools for this sort of problem -- which is exactly what we designed it for. Part of the OP asked how to prepare the texts for a Bayesian classifier. I've added an example for this too, since quanteda's textmodel_nb() would crunch through 300k documents without breaking a sweat, plus it correctly implements the multinomial NB model (which is the most appropriate for text count matrices -- see also https://stackoverflow.com/a/54431055/4158274).

Here I demonstrate on the built-in inaugural corpus object, but the functions below would also work with a plain character vector input. I've used this same workflow to process and fit models to 10s of millions of Tweets in minutes, on a laptop, so it's fast.

library("quanteda", warn.conflicts = FALSE)
## Package version: 1.4.1
## Parallel computing: 2 of 12 threads used.
## See https://quanteda.io for tutorials and examples.

# use a built-in data object
data <- data_corpus_inaugural
## Corpus consisting of 58 documents and 3 docvars.

# here we input a corpus, but plain text input works fine too
dtm <- dfm(data, tolower = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE) %>%
  dfm_wordstem(language = "english") %>%

## Document-feature matrix of: 58 documents, 5,346 features (89.0% sparse).    
tail(dtm, nf = 5)
## Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 5 features (83.3% sparse).
## 6 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dfm"
##               features
## docs           bleed urban sprawl windswept nebraska
##   1997-Clinton     0     0      0         0        0
##   2001-Bush        0     0      0         0        0
##   2005-Bush        0     0      0         0        0
##   2009-Obama       0     0      0         0        0
##   2013-Obama       0     0      0         0        0
##   2017-Trump       1     1      1         1        1

This is a rather trivial example, but for illustration, let's fit a Naive Bayes model, holding out the Trump document. This was the last inaugural speech at the time of this posting ("2017-Trump"), equal in position to the ndoc()th document.

# fit a Bayesian classifier
postwar <- ifelse(docvars(data, "Year") > 1945, "post-war", "pre-war")
textmod <- textmodel_nb(dtm[-ndoc(dtm), ], y = postwar[-ndoc(dtm)], prior = "docfreq")

The same sorts of commands that work with other fitted model objects (e.g. lm(), glm(), etc.) will work with a fitted Naive Bayes textmodel object. So:

## Call:
## textmodel_nb.dfm(x = dtm[-ndoc(dtm), ], y = postwar[-ndoc(dtm)], 
##     prior = "docfreq")
## Class Priors:
## (showing first 2 elements)
## post-war  pre-war 
##   0.2982   0.7018 
## Estimated Feature Scores:
##          fellow-citizen  senat   hous  repres among vicissitud   incid
## post-war        0.02495 0.4701 0.2965 0.06968 0.213     0.1276 0.08514
## pre-war         0.97505 0.5299 0.7035 0.93032 0.787     0.8724 0.91486
##            life  event   fill greater anxieti  notif transmit  order
## post-war 0.3941 0.1587 0.3945  0.3625  0.1201 0.3385   0.1021 0.1864
## pre-war  0.6059 0.8413 0.6055  0.6375  0.8799 0.6615   0.8979 0.8136
##          receiv   14th    day present  month    one  hand summon countri
## post-war 0.1317 0.3385 0.5107 0.06946 0.4603 0.3242 0.307 0.6524  0.1891
## pre-war  0.8683 0.6615 0.4893 0.93054 0.5397 0.6758 0.693 0.3476  0.8109
##           whose  voic    can  never   hear  vener
## post-war 0.2097 0.482 0.3464 0.2767 0.6418 0.1021
## pre-war  0.7903 0.518 0.6536 0.7233 0.3582 0.8979

predict(textmod, newdata = dtm[ndoc(dtm), ])
## 2017-Trump 
##   post-war 
## Levels: post-war pre-war

predict(textmod, newdata = dtm[ndoc(dtm), ], type = "probability")
##            post-war       pre-war
## 2017-Trump        1 1.828083e-157
like image 176
Ken Benoit Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 07:11

Ken Benoit