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Monitor HTTP requests made by IE8

I thought developer tools could do this but I'm struggling to find it. Any other recommendations?

like image 831
spender Avatar asked Aug 04 '10 11:08


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Internet Explorer Open the Network tool using [Ctrl]+4. You must manually start data collection using [F5]. Once you have some output simply double-click on the name of any object to view the HTTP headers (as well as Request Method, Response Status Code and HTTP version in relevant panels) related to it.

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To access IE Developer Tools, you launch Internet Explorer and press F12 on your keyboard or select “F12 Developer Tools” on the “Tools” menu. This opens the developer tools inside the browser tab.

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Users in Internet Explorer 11 and earlier may receive pop-up error message "This page is accessing information that is not under its control. This poses a security risk. Do you want to continue?" This error would be experienced every few seconds or minutes and may occur on Visualforce pages and apps.

1 Answers

Fiddler can do it.

like image 69
Giorgi Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10
