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Internet Explorer 11 Developer Tools missing resize option

Where in the Internet Explorer 11 Developer Tools is the "resize" option?,

In IE 10 it was under the Tools menu ...

Resize - Provides a submenu with a list of predefined screen sizes, and a custom size option.

From MSDN ...

like image 643
SteveC Avatar asked Jan 08 '14 08:01


1 Answers

Press F12, It is in emulation tab:

enter image description here

It is what microsoft recommends to use for different screen sizes:

Update 1:


*Display emulation helps developers preview their webpages on different screen sizes and different resolutions. It helps identify issues as webpages transition from conventional desktop monitors to smaller mobile screens or newer high-resolution displays.**

Please find more information here:


like image 117
Dalorzo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
