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Monitor changes to a collection

Say you have the following java bean:

public class MyBean
    private List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void addName(String name)

How would you normally implement a property change event for a collection? Do you try and use the index property which seems to be more for arrays than collections?

like image 491
willcodejavaforfood Avatar asked Feb 16 '09 11:02


1 Answers

(NOTE: I updated this post after realizing a few mistakes of my own so this isn't the original but a more refined one instead)

For this purpose I'd do two new interfaces, ListListener and Listenable and then I would create a new class like ListenableArrayList which would wrap every List method with a call to one (or more) relevant methods defined in ListListener. In code it'd be something like this:

public class ListenableArrayList<T> extends ArrayList<T>
                                    implements Listenable<T> {

    private ArrayList<T> internalList;
    private ListListener<T> listener;

    /* .. */

    public void add(T item) {
        listener.beforeAdd(T item);
        listener.afterAdd(T item);

    /* .. */

    public void setListener(ListListener<T> listener) {
        this.listener = listener;


public interface ListListener<T> {
    /* .. */
    void beforeAdd(T item);
    void afterAdd(T item);
    /* .. */

public interface Listenable<T> {
    /* .. */
    void setListener(ListListener<T> listener);
    /* .. */

The reason I'd do it this way would be to allow for creating truly ad-hoc listeners on the fly instead of tying the ListenableArrayList to some specific implementation. For example with this the following would be possible:

Listenable<String> list = new ListenableArrayList<String>();

list.setListener(new ListListener<String>() {
    public void beforeAdd(String item) {
        System.out.println("About to add element "+item+"...");
    public void afterAdd(String item) {
        System.out.println("...element "+item+" has been added.");

A bit cluttered, maybe but on the other hand this would allow for easy extension to Collections, Sets and whatnot rather easily.

like image 127
Esko Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10
