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mongoexport - issue with JSON query (extended JSON - Invalid JSON input)

I have started learning MongoDB recently. Today the instructor taught us the mongoexport command. While practicing the same, I face a typical issue which none of the other batchmates including the instructor faced. I use MongoDB version 4.2.0 on my Windows 10 machine.

If I use mongoexport for my collection without any -q parameter to specify any filtering condition, it works fine.

mongoexport -d trainingdb -c employee -f empId,name,designation -o \mongoexport\all-employees.json

2019-09-17T18:00:30.300+0530    connected to: mongodb://localhost/
2019-09-17T18:00:30.314+0530    exported 3 records

However, whenever I specify the JSON query as -q (or --query) it gives an error as follows.

mongoexport -d trainingdb -c employee -f empId,name,designation -q {'designation':'Developer'} -o \mongoexport\developers.json

2019-09-17T18:01:45.381+0530    connected to: mongodb://localhost/
2019-09-17T18:01:45.390+0530    Failed: error parsing query as Extended JSON: invalid JSON input

The same error persists in all the different flavors I had attempted with for the query.

-q {'designation':'Developer'}
--query {'designation':'Developer'}
-q "{'designation':'Developer'}"

I had even attempted with a different query condition on the 'empId' as -q {'empId':'1001'} But no luck. I keep getting the same error.

As per one of the suggestions given in the StackOverflow website, I tried with the following option but getting a different error.

  -q '{"designation":"Developer"}'

The error is : 'query '[39 123 101 109 112 73 100 58 49 48 48 49 125 39]' is not valid JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]interface {}'.

2019-09-17T20:24:58.878+0530    query '[39 123 101 109 112 73 100 58 49 48 48 49 125 39]' is not valid JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]interface {}
2019-09-17T20:24:58.882+0530    try 'mongoexport --help' for more information

I am really not sure what is missing here ? Tried with a bit of Googling and also gone through the official MongoDB documentation of the mongoexport - but no luck.

The employee collection in my system looks like the follows with 3 documents.

> db.employee.find().pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("5d80d1ae0d4d526a42fd95ad"),
        "empId" : 1001,
        "name" : "Raghavan",
        "designation" : "Developer"
        "_id" : ObjectId("5d80d1b20d4d526a42fd95ae"),
        "empId" : 1002,
        "name" : "Kannan",
        "designation" : "Architect"
        "_id" : ObjectId("5d80d1b40d4d526a42fd95af"),
        "empId" : 1003,
        "name" : "Sathish",
        "designation" : "Developer"


As suggested by @NikosM, I have saved the query in a .json file (query.json) and tried the same mongoexport command with the new approach. Still, no luck. Same Marshal error.

cat query.json

mongoexport -d trainingdb -c employee -f empId,name,designation -q 'query.json' -o \mongoexport\developers.json

2019-09-17T21:16:32.849+0530    query '[39 113 117 101 114 121 46 106 115 111 110 39]' is not valid JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]interface {}
2019-09-17T21:16:32.852+0530    try 'mongoexport --help' for more information

Any help on this will be highly appreciated.

like image 621
itsraghz Avatar asked Sep 17 '19 15:09


Video Answer

1 Answers

The following different approach made it work at last - where I had specified the JSON query with the double quotes escaped with the backslash : -q "{\"designation\":\"Developer\"}".

mongoexport -d trainingdb -c employee -f empId,name,designation -q "{\"designation\":\"Developer\"}" -o \mongoexport\developers.json
2019-09-17T21:33:01.642+0530    connected to: mongodb://localhost/
2019-09-17T21:33:01.658+0530    exported 2 records

cat developers.json

Thank you very much @Caconde. Your suggestion helped.

But I am really not sure why this does not work in my machine alone and the reason for this tweak in the format of the query.

like image 180
itsraghz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09
