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MongoDB vs Couchbase performance on single node

I am doing POC on document data store so for that I have selected MongoDB and CouchBase for evaluation.

Environment Detail is as below

Machine : Centos 6.7, 2 core cpu, CPU MHz: 2494.078, RAM : 7 GB (6 GB Free)

MongoDB db version v3.2.0 with default configuration

CouchBase Version: 4.1.0-5005 Enterprise Edition (Cluster RAM: 3GB, Bucket RAM: 1GB)

Document Size : 326 B

Following is the result of POC

|  Operation   | insert (in 10 batch each bacth is of 100K ) | select query | select query | select query | select query | select query | range query | range query |
| Record Count | 1000K                                       | 0            | 100          | 33k          | 140k         | 334k         | 114k        | 460k        |
| Mongo        | 99 sec                                      | 568ms        | 792ms        | 1500ms       | 3800ms       | 7800ms       | -           | 15387ms     |
| CouchBase    | 370 sec                                     | 8ms          | 250ms        | 6700ms       | 28000ms      | 69000ms      | 28644ms     | -           |

Client: I have used JAVA sdk and spring data.

There is big diffrence in performance of couchbase and mongodb on single node. Is there there any configuration parameter to increase performnace of couchbase?

like image 514
Vipul Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 22:11


1 Answers

It appears the current version of Spring Data MongoDB uses WriteConcern.UNACKNOWLEGED - it's fire and forget. You should enable WriteResultChecking.EXCEPTION or use WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED.


like image 139
Shane Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
