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MongoDB : Nested array update issue

I am using MEAN stack to display the following array in a grid.

Nested array:


Mangoose update: I am using express.js to add/update and delete the entry in MangoDB. I am facing the issue in update in nested array. Please see below the code for update the nested array.

router.post('/appDomain/update/:appDomainName/:envName', function(req, res, next) {
AppDomain.findOne({}, {_id: 0, appDomain: {$elemMatch: {appDomainName: req.params.appDomainName,}}}, function (err, appDomain) {

    if(appDomain.appDomain[0].dashboard[0].envName == req.params.envName )

    appDomain.save(function (err) {
        if(err) {


However, it is not updating. It would be great if anyone can help me out..

AppDomainModel Schema

    var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

    var serverDetails = new Schema({
        hostname: String,
        ip: String,
        status: String,
        path: String,
        host: String,
        port: String

    var hostDetail = new Schema({
        hostHdrName: String,
        hostDetails: [serverDetails]

    var keyValue = new Schema({
        keyHdrName: String,
        keyValueData: [{key: String, value:String}]

    var envSchema = new Schema({
        hostnme: String,
        ip: String,
        cpu: String,
        memory: String,
        disk: String,
        downtime: String,
        version: String,
        hostDetails: [hostDetail],
        keyValues: [keyValue],
            recent: [keyValue],
            planned: [keyValue]

    var dashboardSchema = new Schema({
        envName: String,
        envDetails: [envSchema]

    var appDomainSchema = new Schema({
            appDomainName: {type:String,index: { unique: true }},
            dashboard: [dashboardSchema]

    var AppDomain = mongoose.model('AppDomain', appDomainSchema);
    var Dashboard = mongoose.model('Dashboard', dashboardSchema);
    var EnvSchema = mongoose.model('EnvSchema', envSchema);

After updating.I am using the following function to check the value .. However the updated one is not available in the DB.

router.get('/app/domain/get/:appDomainName', function(req, res, next) {

   AppDomain.find({}, {_id: 0, appDomain: {$elemMatch: {appDomainName: req.params.appDomainName,}}},function (err, appDomain) { 




like image 450
prakash selvam Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 14:11

prakash selvam

1 Answers

After a long struggle, I figured it out . See below the answer.

    var data2 = {};
      {_id:1,'appDomain.appDomainName':  req.params.appDomainName,'dashboard.$.envName':{$nin:[req.params.envName]}},
            {$push: {'appDomain.$.dashboard.0.envDetails':{'envDetails':[data2]}}},
            function(err, model) {

like image 176
prakash selvam Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

prakash selvam