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MongoDB set limit to $inc



I have database of sports players which contains their "skills". For example football player in database has 14 skills. Each day I simulate training of them so trained skill that day increases by some amount. My collection has over 1.5 million records, so I do bulk update. The problem is that using $inc, it can set value over limit, in my case the skill limit is 100. How could I set limit to field, so it won't be updated more if it has exceeded its limit?

I have also tried to do skills "fixing" after updating, I mean after training simulation is done, I run script which iterates all players and if it has a field of exceeded value, I make update query to fix it, but making 1.5 million separate queries is kill for the server, so are there any other ways of doing it?

Edit: increased value has some random values in calculations, so it is not the same for all players. But the value can be from 0 to 1, rounded to 2nd digit,for example it can be 0.1, 0.2, 0.3.... 1 . So I group players with this value and trained skill and make update to database using operator $in, which contains players ids who train the same skill and their training value is the same

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user3261312 Avatar asked Feb 05 '14 20:02


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1 Answers

You can restrict it by a query document:

db.players.update({skills : {$lt : 100}}, {$inc : {skills : 1}})

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Ori Dar Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10

Ori Dar