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mongoDB query to find the document in nested array


I want to find all the "productID" of "products" for "user1" such that "itemCode" for the product is "CODE1".

What query in mongoDB should be written to do so?

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Krisalay Avatar asked Sep 05 '16 21:09


2 Answers

If you only need to match a single condition, then the dot notation is sufficient. In Mongo shell:

db.col.find({"products.itemCode" : "CODE1", "username" : "user1"})

This will return all users with nested product objects having itemCode "CODE1".


Wasn't clear on your requirements at first but this should be it.

If you want each product as a separate entry, then you would need to use the aggregate framework. First split the entries in the array using $unwind, then use $match for your conditions.

  { $unwind: "$products" },
  { $match: { username: "user1", "products.itemCode": "CODE1" } }


{ "_id" : ObjectId("57cdf9c0f7f7ecd0f7ef81b6"), "username" : "user1", "products" : { "productID" : 1, "itemCode" : "CODE1" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("57cdf9c0f7f7ecd0f7ef81b6"), "username" : "user1", "products" : { "productID" : 2, "itemCode" : "CODE1" } }
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Reuben L. Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10

Reuben L.

The answer to your question is

   { $unwind: "$products" },
   { $match: { username: "user1", "products.itemCode": CODE1 } },
   { $project: { _id: 0, "products.productID": 1 } }

In my case didn't work without [ ] tags.

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Karlo Tvrdinic Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Karlo Tvrdinic