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MongoDB Nested OR/AND Where?



I am trying to figure out how to do nested OR/AND where queries like what you would do in MySQL

Take for example

       province = "nb" OR
       province = "on"
   ) AND (
       city = "toronto" AND
       first_name = "steven"
like image 806
Steven Avatar asked Apr 16 '14 19:04


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1 Answers

The query in MongoDB looks like:

    // This is the condition
        $and: [
               $or: [
                   {province: 'nb'},
                   {province: 'on'}
               city: "toronto"
               first_name: "steven"

    // Specify the fields that you need
        first_name: 1,
        _id: 1

Documentation for $and $or

Some examples and the official documentation for MongoDB find here.

like image 180
Catalin MUNTEANU Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10