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Node.js + mongoose [RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded]

I am new to Node.js and I'm facing an error :

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

I'm not able able to solve the problem because most of the stack problems in others stackoverflow questions about Node.js deals with hundreds of callback but I have only 3 here.

First a fetch (findById) then an update an later a save operation!

My code is :

app.post('/poker/tables/:id/join', function(req, res) {
    var id = req.params.id;

    models.Table.findById(id, function(err, table) {
        if (err) {
                message: 'error'

        if (table.players.length >= table.maxPlayers) {
                message: "error: Can't join ! the Table is full"
        console.log('Table isnt Full');

        var BuyIn = table.minBuyIn;
        if (req.user.money < table.maxPlayers) {
                message: "error: Can't join ! Tou have not enough money"
        console.log('User has enought money');

            _id: req.user._id
        }, {
            $inc: {
                money: -BuyIn
        }, function(err, numAffected) {
            if (err) {
                    message: 'error: Cant update your account'
            console.log('User money updated');

                userId: req.user._id,
                username: req.user.username,
                chips: BuyIn,
                cards: {}

            table.save(function(err) {
                if (err) {
                        message: 'error'

                console.log('Table Successfully saved with new player!');
                    message: 'success',
                    table: table



The error occurs during the save operation at the end!

I use MongoDb with mongoose so Table and User are my database collections.

This is from my first project with Node.js,Express.js and MongoDB so I probably have made huge mistakes in the async code :(

EDIT: I tried to replace the save with an update:

    _id: table._id
}, {
    '$push': {
        players: {
            userId: req.user._id,
            username: req.user.username,
            chips: BuyIn,
            cards: {}
}, function(err, numAffected) {

    if (err) {
            message: 'error'

    console.log('Table Successfully saved with new player!');
        message: 'success',
        table: table


But it doesn't help the error is still coming and I don't know how to debug it :/

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prdox Avatar asked May 20 '12 23:05


People also ask

How do you fix RangeError maximum call stack size exceeded?

The most common source for this error is infinite recursion. You must have a recursive function in your code whose base case is not being met and is, therefore, calling the function again and again until you hit the call stack limit.

What is RangeError maximum call stack size exceeded?

The RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded is thrown when a function call is made that exceeds the call stack size. This can occur due to the following reasons: Too many function calls. Issues in handling recursion, e.g. missing base case in a recursive function to stop calling itself infinitely.

4 Answers

I've been passing for this problem too. Basically, when you have a property with a ref, and you want to use it in a find, for example, you can't pass the whole document.

For example:

Model.find().where( "property", OtherModelInstance );

this will trigger that error.

However, you have 2 ways to fix this for now:

Model.find().where( "property", OtherModelInstance._id );
// or
Model.find().where( "property", OtherModelInstance.toObject() );

This may stop your problems for now.

There is a issue in their GitHub repo where I reported this, however it's without fix for now. See the issue here.

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gustavohenke Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10


I kept getting this error and finally figured it out. It's very hard to debug since no real information is presented in the error.

Turns out I was trying to save an object into a field. Saving only a specific property of the object, or JSON stringifying it, worked like a charm.

Seems like it would be nice if the driver gave a more specific error, but oh well.

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rgoldfinger Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10


MyModel.collection.insert causes:

[RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded]

When you pass array of instances of MyModel instead of just array with values of that objects.


let myArray = [];

myArray.push( new MyModel({ prop1: true, prop2: false }) );

MyModel.collection.insert(myArray, callback);

No error:

let myArray = [];

myArray.push( { prop1: true, prop2: false } );

MyModel.collection.insert(myArray, callback);
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Daniel Kmak Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Daniel Kmak

There are a few ways to debug nodejs applications

Built-in Debugger

The Node.js debugger is documented here: http://nodejs.org/api/debugger.html

To place breakpoints, simply put debugger; at the place you want to break. As you said the table.save callback is giving you troubles, you could put a breakpoint inside that function.

Then you run node with the debugger enabled:

node debug myscript.js

And you will get more helpful output.

Investigating the stack

You can also use console.trace to print a stacktrace, if you have a good idea of when/where you run into problems, and want to figure out how you got there.

Good luck, I hope this helps!

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Jared Forsyth Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Jared Forsyth