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Mongodb $in against a field of objects of array instead of objects of array


I want to use the $in operator against the field1 of arr. I know I could create a dummy array and push the field1 values in the dummy array. But is there a way to use the $in operator against a particular field of an array?

The arr array is no way related to the collection.

I want to query all the documents on a particular field whose value is in the field1 of arr - field1 should be in the right hand side of operator $in



db.collection.find({fieldx:<Here I want some method to obtain all documents whose fieldx values are in the location field of arr>})

The output should contain documents whose fieldx values are present in the location field of arr.

The ouput of the query should be


fieldx is the field in the collection I am querying on. It is not a field of the array I'm providing(arr). I want to match this to a field(location) of array - arr I'm providing the query.

like image 640
ma08 Avatar asked Jul 01 '14 05:07


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1 Answers

You need to extract the "location" fields from your input array and feed them to $in:

var locs = arr.map(function(x) { return x.location } );
db.collection.find({ "fieldx": { "$in": locs } })

For reference here I'm going to re-write your question for you:

I have a collection that contains documents like this:

{ "fieldx": "NY" }
{ "fieldx": "LA" }
{ "fieldx": "SF" }

What I have is an input array that is defined like this:

var arr = [
    { "name": "foo", "location": "NY"},
    { "name": "bar", "location": "LA"},
    { "name": "foobar", "location": "NZ"}

Now I want to write a query to find all the documents that match the "location" field in the array I have for input.

How do I do I do that?

I have tried:

db.collection.find({ "fieldx": { "$in": arr } })

But that does not match.

like image 137
Neil Lunn Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Neil Lunn