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Mongodb find query with $near and coordinates not working

I'm trying to make use of some geolocation functionality in mongodb. Using a find query with $near doesn't seem to work!

I currently have this object in my database:

    "Username": "Deano",
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "533f0b722ad3a8d39b6213c3"
    "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [

I have the following index set up as well:

  "v": 1,
  "key": {
    "location": "2dsphere"
  "ns": "heroku_app23672911.catchmerequests",
  "name": "location_2dsphere",
  "background": true

When I run this query:

db.collectionname.find({ "location" : { $near : [50.0 , -0.1330] , $maxDistance : 10000 }})

I get this error:

error: {
    "$err" : "can't parse query (2dsphere): { $near: [ 50.0, -0.133 ], $maxDistance: 10000.0 }",
    "code" : 16535

Does anyone know where I'm going wrong? Any help would be much appreciated!

like image 200
DeaIss Avatar asked Apr 05 '14 13:04


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1 Answers

It seems you need to use the GeoJSON format if your data is in GeoJSON format too, as yours is. If you use:

    "location": {
        $near: {
                { type: "Point", coordinates: [50.0, -0.1330] }, $maxDistance: 500

it should work. I could replicate your error using GeoJSON storage format for the field, but what the docs call legacy points in the query expression. I think the docs are a bit unclear in that they suggest you can use both GeoJSON and legacy coordinates with a 2dsphere index 2dsphere

I am using 2.4.10, for what it is worth, as there were some big changes to spatial in the 2.4 release.

like image 57
John Powell Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10

John Powell