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Mongodb $project: $filter sub-array

There is an items (mongoose) schema that looks like this (simplified to what it matters to the question):

    brand: {
        name: String,
    title: String,
    description: [{ lang: String, text: String }],
    shortDescription: [{ lang: String, text: String }],
    variants: {
        cnt: Number,
        attrs: [
                displayType: String,
                displayContent: String,
                displayName: [{ lang: String, text: String }],
                name: String,

I'm trying to filter the items by language, so I've constructed the following query:

    { $match: { 'description.lang': 'ca', 'shortDescription.lang': 'ca' } },
    { $project: {
        'brand.name': 1,
        title: 1,
        description: {
            '$filter': {
                input: '$description',
                as: 'description',
                cond: { $eq: ['$$description.lang', 'ca'] }
        shortDescription: {
            '$filter': {
                input: '$shortDescription',
                as: 'shortDescription',
                cond: { $eq: ['$$shortDescription.lang', 'ca'] }
        'variants.cnt': 1,
        'variants.attrs': 1
    } }

And it works as expected: it filters description and shortDescription by language. Right now I'm wondering if it could be possible to filter every variants.attrs.$.displayName as well. Is there any way to do it?

I've been trying to $unwind variant.attrs but I get completly lost when trying to $group again and I'm not really sure if this is the best way...

like image 478
Miquel Avatar asked Sep 06 '16 19:09


1 Answers

You are nearly there. Try these steps:

  • use $unwind stage before $project stage to expand the outer array of documents, i.e. variants.attrs
  • Add filter for the sub array variants.attrs.displayName in the $project stage.
  • You will have to project all the sub fields of variants key.
  • Next add $group stage and group by all the elements except the sub-array. Use $push to rebuild the sub array in group by stage.
  • Lastly, add $project stage to rebuild the document to its original structure.

      { $match: { 'description.lang': 'ca', 'shortDescription.lang': 'ca' } },
      { $unwind : "$variants.attrs" },
      { $project: {
         '_id' : 1,
         'brand.name': 1,
         title: 1,
         description: {
            '$filter': {
                input: '$description',
                as: 'description',
                cond: { $eq: ['$$description.lang', 'ca'] }
         shortDescription: {
           '$filter': {
               input: '$shortDescription',
               as: 'shortDescription',
               cond: { $eq: ['$$shortDescription.lang', 'ca'] }
         'variants.attrs.displayName' : {
            '$filter' : {
               input: '$variants.attrs.displayName',
               as: 'variants_attrs_displayName',
               cond: { $eq : ['$$variants_attrs_displayName.lang','ca']}
          'variants.cnt': 1,
          'variants.attrs.displayType': 1,
          'variants.attrs.displayContent' : 1,
          'variants.attrs.name' : 1
     } , { $group:
                _id : { 
                    _id: "$_id",
                    title: "$title",
                    variants_cnt : "$variants.cnt"
                variants_attrs : { $push : 
                  displayType : "$variants.attrs.displayType",
                  displayContent : "$variants.attrs.displayContent",
                  displayName : "$variants.attrs.displayName",
                  name: "$variants.attrs.name" 
    { $project : 
        "_id" : 0,
        brand : "$_id.brand",
        title : "$_id.title",
        description : "$_id.description",
        shortDescription : "$_id.shortDescription",
        variants : {
          cnt : "$_id.variants_cnt" ,
          attrs : "$variants_attrs"

Depending on your use case, you should reconsider your data model design to avoid duplication of filter values. i.e. 'description.lang': 'ca', 'shortDescription.lang': 'ca', 'variants.attrs.displayName.lang': 'ca'

like image 142
Nishant Bhardwaj Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Nishant Bhardwaj