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MongoDB AggregationOutput longer response time

I have a collection named "logTransaction". I want to get the results as you can see in the attached image.


logTransaction has many fields but the ones used for this image are:

customer, environment, firstTime, lastTime, integrationIds[] (a transaction can have more than 1 integration), transactionStatus (FINISHED, UNFINISHED, FAILED)

I am using AggregationOutput for this result but it is taking more than 30 seconds which is much longer (I think) than the amount of data I have. I just wonder if I can improve this by modifing what I already have or should I change it totally. What type of indexing should I use to make things even faster?

I use MongoDB and Grails. My current method looks like this:

def myCustomAggregation(integrations, timestamp_lt, timestamp_gt, cust, env) {
    def currentRequest = RequestContextHolder.requestAttributes

    def customer = cust ?: currentRequest?.session?.customer
    def environment = env ?: currentRequest?.session?.environment

    DBObject matchMap = new BasicDBObject('integrationIds', new BasicDBObject('$in', integrations.collectAll { it?.baselineId }))
    matchMap.put("firstTimestamp", new BasicDBObject('$lte', timestamp_lt as Long).append('$gte', timestamp_gt as Long))
    DBObject match = new BasicDBObject('$match',matchMap);

    Map<String, Object> dbObjIdMap1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    dbObjIdMap1.put('integrationId', '$integrationIds');
    dbObjIdMap1.put('transactionStatus', '$transactionStatus');
    DBObject groupFields1 = new BasicDBObject( "_id", new BasicDBObject(dbObjIdMap1));
    groupFields1.put('total', new BasicDBObject( '$sum', 1));
    DBObject group1 = new BasicDBObject('$group', groupFields1);

    DBObject groupFields2 = new BasicDBObject( "_id", '$_id.integrationId');
        new BasicDBObject('$sum', new BasicDBObject('$cond', [
            new BasicDBObject('$eq', ['$_id.transactionStatus', 'FINISHED']), '$total', 0
        new BasicDBObject('$sum', new BasicDBObject('$cond', [
            new BasicDBObject('$eq', ['$_id.transactionStatus', 'UNFINISHED']), '$total', 0
        new BasicDBObject('$sum', new BasicDBObject('$cond', [
            new BasicDBObject('$eq', ['$_id.transactionStatus', 'FAILED']), '$total', 0
    DBObject group2 = new BasicDBObject('$group', groupFields2);
    // This taking more than 30 seconds. Its too much for the amount of data I have in Database.
    AggregationOutput output = db.logTransaction.aggregate(match,group1,group2)
    return output.results()


I created a compound index as HoefMeistert suggested:

db.logTransaction.createIndex({integrationIds: 1, firstTimestamp: -1, customer: 1, environment: 1})

But when I use explain on this aggregate:

db.logTransaction.explain().aggregate( [
    { $match: {integrationIds: {$in: ["INT010","INT011","INT012A","INT200"]}, "firstTimestamp": { "$lte" : 1476107324000 , "$gte" : 1470002400000}, "customer": "Awsome_Company", "environment": "PROD"}},
    { $group: { _id: {"integrationId": '$integrationIds', "transactionStatus": '$transactionStatus'}, total: {$sum: 1}}},
    { $group: { _id: "$_id.integrationId", "total_finished": {$sum: {$cond: [{$eq: ["$_id.transactionStatus", "FINISHED"]}, "$total", 0]}}, "total_unfinished": {$sum: {$cond: [{$eq: ["$_id.transactionStatus", "UNFINISHED"]}, "$total", 0]}}, "total_failed": {$sum: {$cond: [{$eq: ["$_id.transactionStatus", "FAILED"]}, "$total", 0]}}}}

I still get this winningPlan every single time:

"winningPlan" : {
                "stage" : "CACHED_PLAN",
                "inputStage" : {
                    "stage" : "FETCH",
                    "filter" : {
                        "$and" : [
                                    "environment" : {
                                            "$eq" : "PROD"
                                    "integrationIds" : {
                                        "$in" : [
                    "inputStage" : {
                            "stage" : "IXSCAN",
                            "keyPattern" : {
                                "tenant" : 1,
                                "firstTimestamp" : -1
                            "indexName" : "customer_1_firstTimestamp_-1",
                            "isMultiKey" : false,
                            "isUnique" : false,
                            "isSparse" : false,
                            "isPartial" : false,
                            "indexVersion" : 1,
                            "direction" : "forward",
                            "indexBounds" : {
                                "customer" : [
                                    "[\"Awsome_Company\", \"Awsome_Company\"]"
                                "firstTimestamp" : [
                                    "[1476107324000.0, 1470002400000.0]"

Current indexes for the collection in development env. and the speed is good compared to before but when timespan is greater than 1 week, I still get sockettimeoutexception (3 minutes):

"customer_1_firstTimestamp_-1" : 56393728,
"firstTimestamp_-1_customer_1" : 144617472,
"integrationIds_1_firstTimestamp_-1" : 76644352,
"integrationId_1_firstTimestamp_-1" : 56107008,
"transactionId_1_firstTimestamp_-1" : 151429120,
"firstTimestamp_1" : 56102912,
"transactionId_1" : 109445120,
"integrationIds_1_firstTimestamp_-1_customer_1_environment_1" : 247790976
like image 992
gozluklu_marti Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 00:10


1 Answers

What indexes you currently have? When i look at your aggregation make sure you have a indexes on the field you are matching on:

  • integrationIds
  • firstTimestamp
  • customer
  • environment

After the first (match) stage indexes are no longer relevant. As asked by elixir, how is the performance in shell / editor? Is it also slow there. If so try find the "slow" stage.

Update: you can also help the Aggregation Pipeline optimizer ;-) Rewrite the match to a single $and match

{ $match: {integrationIds: {$in: ["INT010","INT011","INT012A","INT200"]}, "firstTimestamp": { "$lte" : 1476107324000 , "$gte" : 1470002400000}, "customer": "Awsome_Company", "environment": "PROD"}}


    { $match: { $and : [
      {integrationIds: {$in: ["INT010","INT011","INT012A","INT200"]}}, 
      {"firstTimestamp": { "$lte" : 1476107324000 , "$gte" : 1470002400000}}, 
      {"customer": "Awsome_Company"}, 
      {"environment": "PROD"}]
like image 152
HoefMeistert Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
