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MongoDB aggregation - project field values as fields

Having some trouble getting my data into a tricky format.

Documents have these fields: subject, importance [high,medium,low]

sample document:

{_id: "", subject: "red", importance: "high"}

I like to return data that looks like:

[{_id: subject, high: 5, medium: 6, low: 3}] 

The numbers correspond with the number of documents with each importance level

This is what I have so far:

$group: {
  _id: {subject: "$subject", importance: "$importance"},
  count: {$sum: 1},
   $group: {
     _id: "$_id.subject",
     data: {
       $push: {
          importance: "$_id.importance", count: "$count"

Is there a way that I can use the value of $_id.importance and make that the key and have $count as the value?

like image 992
GJL12 Avatar asked Dec 20 '15 02:12


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1 Answers

You could aggregate as below:

  • $group by subject and importance, get the respective counts.
  • Then comes the tricky part, the conditional $project, it would grow linearly with respect to the number of options the importance field could hold. currently it is three - high, low and medium.
  • $group the result back again by subject and use the $sum operator to accumulate the counts for the different values of the importance field.

sample code:


test data:



{ "_id" : "geography", "low" : 2, "medium" : 0, "high" : 0 }
{ "_id" : "history", "low" : 2, "medium" : 1, "high" : 1 }
like image 162
BatScream Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09
