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Mongodb aggregation pipeline how to limit a group push

I am not able to limit the amount of pushed elements in a group function with aggregation pipeline. Is this possible? Small example:


[     {         "submitted": date,         "loc": { "lng": 13.739251, "lat": 51.049893 },         "name": "first",         "preview": "my first"     },     {         "submitted": date,         "loc": { "lng": 13.639241, "lat": 51.149883 },         "name": "second",         "preview": "my second"     },     {         "submitted": date,         "loc": { "lng": 13.715422, "lat": 51.056384 },         "name": "nearpoint2",         "preview": "my nearpoint2"     } ] 

Here is my aggregation pipeline:

var pipeline = [     //I want to limit the data to a certain area     { $match: {         loc: {             $geoWithin: {                 $box: [                     [locBottomLeft.lng, locBottomLeft.lat],                     [locUpperRight.lng, locUpperRight.lat]                 ]             }         }     }},     // I just want to get the latest entries       { $sort: { submitted: -1 } },     // I group by name     {       $group: {           _id: "$name",           // get name           submitted: { $max: "$submitted" },           // get the latest date           locs: { $push: "$loc" },           // push every loc into an array THIS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO AN AMOUNT 5 or 10           preview: { $first: "$preview" }       }     },     // Limit the query to at least 10 entries.     { $limit: 10 } ]; 

How can I limit the locs array to 10 or any other size? I tried something with $each and $slice but that does not seem to work.

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chaosbohne Avatar asked Jul 06 '14 08:07


People also ask

How do you use limits in aggregation?

Answer: $skip before $limit In aggregate, $limit limits the number of documents sent to the next aggregation state, and $skip skips the first N documents, so if $skip is after $limit and $skip >= $limit, you won't get any results.

How do I limit in MongoDB?

The Limit() Method To limit the records in MongoDB, you need to use limit() method. The method accepts one number type argument, which is the number of documents that you want to be displayed.

How many stages must the aggregate function include in the aggregation pipeline?

Here, the aggregate() function is used to perform aggregation it can have three operators stages, expression and accumulator.

What is the purpose of the $group operator in an aggregate pipeline?

The $group stage separates documents into groups according to a "group key". The output is one document for each unique group key. A group key is often a field, or group of fields.

2 Answers

Suppose the bottom left coordinates and the upper right coordinates are respectively [0, 0] and [100, 100]. From MongoDB 3.2 you can use the $slice operator to return a subset of an array which is what you want.

db.collection.aggregate([     { "$match": {          "loc": {              "$geoWithin":  {                  "$box": [                      [0, 0],                      [100, 100]                 ]             }         }}     }},     { "$group": {          "_id": "$name",         "submitted": { "$max": "$submitted" },          "preview": { "$first": "$preview" }         "locs": { "$push": "$loc" }     }},      { "$project": {          "locs": { "$slice": [ "$locs", 5 ] },         "preview": 1,         "submitted": 1     }},     { "$limit": 10 } ]) 
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styvane Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09


Starting in Mongo 5.2, it's a perfect use case for the new $topN aggregation accumulator:

// { submitted: ISODate("2021-12-05"), group: "group1", value: "plop" } // { submitted: ISODate("2021-12-07"), group: "group2", value: "smthg" } // { submitted: ISODate("2021-12-06"), group: "group1", value: "world" } // { submitted: ISODate("2021-12-12"), group: "group1", value: "hello" } db.collection.aggregate([   { $group: {     _id: "$group",     top: { $topN: { n: 2, sortBy: { submitted: -1 }, output: "$value" } }   }} ]) // { _id: "group1", top: [ "hello", "world" ] } // { _id: "group2", top: [ "smthg" ] } 

This applies a $topN group accumulation that:

  • takes for each group the top 2 (n: 2) elements
  • top 2, as defined by sortBy: { submitted: -1 } (reversed chronological)
  • and for each grouped record extracts the field value (output: "$value")
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Xavier Guihot Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09

Xavier Guihot