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mongodb aggregation match multiple $and on the same field

i have a document like this :

    "ExtraFields" : [
        "value" : "print",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0ea")
        "value" : "14",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0eb")
        "value" : "POLYE",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0ec")
        "value" : "30",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0ed")
        "value" : "0",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0ee")
        "value" : "0",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627731efa0843554b0ef")
        "value" : "0",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627831efa0843554b0f0")
        "value" : "42",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627831efa0843554b0f1")
        "value" : "30",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627831efa0843554b0f2")
        "value" : "14",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627831efa0843554b0f3")
        "value" : "19",
        "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627831efa0843554b0f4")
        "id" : ObjectId("55369e60733e4914550832d0"), "title" : "A product"

what i want is to match one or more sets from the ExtraFields array. For example, all the products that contain the values print and 30. Since a value may be found in more than one fieldID (like 0 or true) we need to create a set like

WHERE (fieldID : ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0ea"), value : "print")

Where i'm having problems is when querying more than one fields. The pipeline i came up with is :

    {'$unwind': '$ExtraFields'},

    '$match': {
        '$and': [{
            '$and': [{'ExtraFields.value': {'$in': ["A52A2A"]}}, {
                'ExtraFields.fieldID': ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0ea")

                '$and': [{'ExtraFields.value': '14'}, {'ExtraFields.fieldID': ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0eb")}]



This returns zero results, but this is what i want to do in theory. Match all items that contain set 1 AND all that contain set 2.

The end result should look like a faceted search output :

        "_id" : {
            "values" : "18",
            "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627831efa0843554b0f3")
        "count" : 2
        "_id" : {
            "values" : "33",
            "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627831efa0843554b0f2")
        "count" : 1

Any ideas?

like image 437
mbouclas Avatar asked May 04 '15 16:05


People also ask

Can we use $and in aggregate MongoDB?

You can use $and with aggregation but you don't have to write it, and is implicit using different filters, in fact you can pipe those filters in case one of them needs a different solution.

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We can join documents on collections in MongoDB by using the $lookup (Aggregation) function. $lookup(Aggregation) creates an outer left join with another collection and helps to filter data from merged data.

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Aggregation wins where the volume of data returned is much less than the original data or where you don't have the skill to build fast client side aggregations. I hope it answers your query.

1 Answers

You could try the following aggregation pipeline

        "$match": {
            "ExtraFields.value": { "$in": ["A52A2A", "14"] },
            "ExtraFields.fieldID": { 
                "$in": [
        "$unwind": "$ExtraFields"
        "$match": {
            "ExtraFields.value": { "$in": ["A52A2A", "14"] },
            "ExtraFields.fieldID": { 
                "$in": [
        "$group": {
            "_id": {
                "value": "$ExtraFields.value",
                "fieldID": "$ExtraFields.fieldID"
            "count": {
                "$sum": 1

With the sample document provided, this gives the output:

/* 1 */
    "result" : [ 
            "_id" : {
                "value" : "14",
                "fieldID" : ObjectId("5535627631efa0843554b0eb")
            "count" : 1
    "ok" : 1
like image 116
chridam Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
