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MongoCollection versus DBCollection java


When should you be using MongoCollection and when DBCollection? The same questions apply to DBObject, BasicDBObject, Document. There seem to be different things are similar. At least to me they are. I find this very confusing. Any advice would be very welcome.

like image 956
dexter Avatar asked Mar 31 '15 09:03


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1 Answers

This seems to be a question about the 3.0.0 MongoDB Java driver.

The general advice is to use Document/MongoCollection/MongoDatabase for new application development.

The DBObject/DBCollection/DB classes, however, remain in the 3.0.0 driver so that many existing applications that currently use the 2.x driver series have an upgrade path to the 3.0 driver. The driver authors (I'm one of them) tried to make this clear by deprecating the MongoClient.getDB method, which returns an instance of the DB class, in order to encourage use of the new MongoClient.getDatabase method, which returns an instance of MongoDatabase.

like image 131
jyemin Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 11:01
