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Monad theory and Haskell

Most tutorials seem to give a lot of examples of monads (IO, state, list and so on) and then expect the reader to be able to abstract the overall principle and then they mention category theory. I don't tend to learn very well by trying generalise from examples and I would like to understand from a theoretical point of view why this pattern is so important.

Judging from this thread: Can anyone explain Monads? this is a common problem, and I've tried looking at most of the tutorials suggested (except the Brian Beck videos which won't play on my linux machine):

Does anyone know of a tutorial that starts from category theory and explains IO, state, list monads in those terms? the following is my unsuccessful attempt to do so:

As I understand it a monad consists of a triple: an endo-functor and two natural transformations.

The functor is usually shown with the type: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b) I included the second bracket just to emphasise the symmetry.

But, this is an endofunctor, so shouldn't the domain and codomain be the same like this?:

(a -> b) -> (a -> b)

I think the answer is that the domain and codomain both have a type of:

(a -> b) | (m a -> m b) | (m m a -> m m b) and so on ...

But I'm not really sure if that works or fits in with the definition of the functor given?

When we move on to the natural transformation it gets even worse. If I understand correctly a natural transformation is a second order functor (with certain rules) that is a functor from one functor to another one. So since we have defined the functor above the general type of the natural transformations would be: ((a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)) -> ((a -> b) -> (m a -> m b))

But the actual natural transformations we are using have type:

a -> m a

m a -> (a ->m b) -> m b

Are these subsets of the general form above? and why are they natural transformations?


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Martin Avatar asked Dec 17 '10 15:12


People also ask

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Category theory can be helpful in understanding Haskell's type system. There exists a "Haskell category", of which the objects are Haskell types, and the morphisms from types a to b are Haskell functions of type a -> b .

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1 Answers

A quick disclaimer: I'm a little shaky on category theory in general, while I get the impression you have at least some familiarity with it. Hopefully I won't make too much of a hash of this...

Does anyone know of a tutorial that starts from category theory and explains IO, state, list monads in those terms?

First of all, ignore IO for now, it's full of dark magic. It works as a model of imperative computations for the same reasons that State works for modelling stateful computations, but unlike the latter IO is a black box with no way to deduce the monadic structure from the outside.

The functor is usually shown with the type: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b) I included the second bracket just to emphasise the symmetry.

But, this is an endofunctor, so shouldn't the domain and codomain be the same like this?:

I suspect you are misinterpreting how type variables in Haskell relate to the category theory concepts.

First of all, yes, that specifies an endofunctor, on the category of Haskell types. A type variable such as a is not anything in this category, however; it's a variable that is (implicitly) universally quantified over all objects in the category. Thus, the type (a -> b) -> (a -> b) describes only endofunctors that map every object to itself.

Type constructors describe an injective function on objects, where the elements of the constructor's codomain cannot be described by any means except as an application of the type constructor. Even if two type constructors produce isomorphic results, the resulting types remain distinct. Note that type constructors are not, in the general case, functors.

The type variable m in the functor signature, then, represents a one-argument type constructor. Out of context this would normally be read as universal quantification, but that's incorrect in this case since no such function can exist. Rather, the type class definition binds m and allows the definition of such functions for specific type constructors.

The resulting function, then, says that for any type constructor m which has fmap defined, for any two objects a and b and a morphism between them, we can find a morphism between the types given by applying m to a and b.

Note that while the above does, of course, define an endofunctor on Hask, it is not even remotely general enough to describe all such endofunctors.

But the actual natural transformations we are using have type:

a -> m a

m a -> (a ->m b) -> m b

Are these subsets of the general form above? and why are they natural transformations?

Well, no, they aren't. A natural transformation is roughly a function (not a functor) between functors. The two natural transformations that specify a monad M look like I -> M where I is the identity functor, and M ∘ M -> M where is functor composition. In Haskell, we have no good way of working directly with either a true identity functor or with functor composition. Instead, we discard the identity functor to get just (Functor m) => a -> m a for the first, and write out nested type constructor application as (Functor m) => m (m a) -> m a for the second.

The first of these is obviously return; the second is a function called join, which is not part of the type class. However, join can be written in terms of (>>=), and the latter is more often useful in day-to-day programming.

As far as specific monads go, if you want a more mathematical description, here's a quick sketch of an example:

For some fixed type S, consider two functors F and G where F(x) = (S, x) and G(x) = S -> x (It should hopefully be obvious that these are indeed valid functors).

These functors are also adjoints; consider natural transformations unit :: x -> G (F x) and counit :: F (G x) -> x. Expanding the definitions gives us unit :: x -> (S -> (S, x)) and counit :: (S, S -> x) -> x. The types suggest uncurried function application and tuple construction; feel free to verify that those work as expected.

An adjunction gives rise to a monad by composition of the functors, so taking G ∘ F and expanding the definition, we get G (F x) = S -> (S, x), which is the definition of the State monad. The unit for the adjunction is of course return; and you should be able to use counit to define join.

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C. A. McCann Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

C. A. McCann