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moment.js 24h format

Stating your time as HH will give you 24h format, and hh will give 12h format.

You can also find it here in the documentation :

    H, HH       24 hour time
    h, or hh    12 hour time (use in conjunction with a or A)

Try: moment({ // Options here }).format('HHmm'). That should give you the time in a 24 hour format.

moment("01:15:00 PM", "h:mm:ss A").format("HH:mm:ss")
**o/p: 13:15:00 **

It will convert 12hrs format to 24hrs format.

Use H or HH instead of hh. See http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/

You can use

 moment("15", "hh").format('LT') 

to convert the time to 12 hours format like this 3:00 PM

HH used 24 hour format while hh used for 12 format