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moment vs date-fns locale date formats

I'm evaluating DateFns and Moment in the context of our app, and found what appears to be an important omission in DateFns.

In Moment, locale support allows you to format locale-correct representations of a date or time. For instance, the date formats "LL" and "L" will produce the following for the English locale:

November 27, 2017

And the following for the Spanish locale:

27 de noviembre de 2017

Note in particular that in the second example, the month comes before the day in English, whereas the day comes before the month in Spanish. That's exactly the kind of thing you want locale code to handle for you. This is how locales work in almost all datetime libraries (C++, C#, Java, Python, etc.)

In the DateFns, there doesn't appear to be a format option for locale-correct long date, short date, time, etc.. The example they give for using a locale requires that you pass it the locale-specific format string:

// Represent 2 July 2014 in Esperanto:
var eoLocale = require('date-fns/locale/eo')
var result = format(
  new Date(2014, 6, 2),
  'Do [de] MMMM YYYY',
  {locale: eoLocale}

In other words, I need to know the date/time format for every locale I support, which defeats the purpose of having locale support in the first place.]

I can use Javascript's toLocaleString, but then my app it managing locale two different ways.

Is there some way of printing out, say, a "short date" for a particular locale without me telling DateFns what the format for that locale is?

like image 864
Mud Avatar asked Nov 13 '17 19:11


People also ask

Which is better moment or date-fns?

Date-fns vs MomentJS Performance As you can see, Date-fns are well ahead in all 3 operations in terms of operations performed per second and size and the simple API is the main reason behind this.

Is MomentJS deprecated?

Moment construction falls back to js Date. This is discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. This deprecation warning is thrown when no known format is found for a date passed into the string constructor.

What does format () do in moment?

format(); moment(). format(String); This is the most robust display option. It takes a string of tokens and replaces them with their corresponding values.

Should you use MomentJS?

Moment. js is a fantastic time & date library with lots of great features and utilities. However, if you are working on a performance sensitive web application, it might cause a huge performance overhead because of its complex APIs and large bundle size.

Video Answer

2 Answers

As of 2021, using currently latest version of date-fns (v2.23.0), you can achieve what you want by using the 'P' format.

See: https://date-fns.org/v2.23.0/docs/format

For example, given that today is 2021-08-27 (ISO date):

import { format } from 'date-fns';
import ptBrLocale from 'date-fns/locale/pt-BR';
import enUsLocale from 'date-fns/locale/en-US';

console.log(format(new Date(), 'P', { locale: ptBrLocale }));
console.log(format(new Date(), 'P', { locale: enUsLocale }));

Outputs will be:

like image 171
zenluiz Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10


I use the esm version of date-fns and you can use the same type of formats that moment uses :

import { format } from 'date-fns/esm'
import { enUS, fr } from 'date-fns/esm/locale'

I'll store the locales in an object :

this.dateLocales = { fr: fr, en: enUS }

and use these formats :

LT: 'h:mm aa',
LTS: 'h:mm:ss aa',
LLL: 'MMMM D YYYY h:mm aa',
LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D YYYY h:mm aa'

So you can do :

  new Date(2014, 6, 2),
  {locale: this.dateLocales.fr}

Those formats are localised

like image 24
Lakston Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10
