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ModX Revo: Update sites base URL?

I developed a site for a client before a domain name was chosen. As a result, the URLs for the site pages look like:


A domain name has now been purchased but if I click on any Wayfinder links it still uses the old path as above instead of, say:


I assume this is configured in the config.inc.php file, but I am unsure of what to change.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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MeltingDog Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 08:12


2 Answers

You need to change $modx_base_url= '/' in /core/config/config.inc.php and if that is not enough - manually clean /core/cache/ folder.

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Vasis Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 14:01


Four years later, I've dealt with the same thing for a few months, and was incredibly frustrated.

An updated answer to this issue would be navigating to Settings (icon) > Context, then choosing Key > web (right click) > Update Context > Context Settings.

Change http_host (ex. localhost) and site_url (ex. http://localhost/).

Now, from the top menu Manage > Clear Cache as well as Manage > Clear Cache > Refresh URIs.

It was like finding a pot of gold.

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Steven Ventimiglia Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 14:01

Steven Ventimiglia