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module.run() and $state.go() angularJS


I might have some kind of missunderstanding. Im using angular ui router and i have the next issue:

I have the next State provider:

angular .module('MainApp') .config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider ) {     $stateProvider         .state('register', {             url: "/",             abstact: true,             views: {                 "side-bar": {                     controller: "GetSideBarCtrl"                 },                 "page-body@register": {                     templateUrl: "/App/Views/WelcomePage.html"                 }             },         })         .state('register.Register', {             url: "Register",             views: {                 "page-body": {                     controller: "RegisterCtrl",                     templateUrl: "/App/Views/Register.html"                 }             },         })         .state('register.Login', {             url: "Login",             views: {                 "page-body": {                     controller: "LoginCtrl",                     templateUrl: "/App/Views/Login.html"                 }             },         })         //For registered and loged in users!     /* */         .state('main', {             url: "/:userId",            // abstact: true,             views: {                 "side-bar": {                     controller: "GetSideBarCtrl"                 },                 "page-body@main": {                   //  controller: "LoginCtrl",                     templateUrl: "/App/Views/MainPage.html"                 }             },         });     $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/'); }]); 

And run function

angular .module('MainApp') .run(['$rootScope', '$state', '$cookieStore', 'principal', function ($rootScope, $state, $cookieStore, principal) {     var cookies = $cookieStore.get('user');     if (cookies) {         principal.Authenticate(cookies.split(' ')[0], cookies.split(' ')[1]);         $state.go('main', { userId: cookies.split(' ')[0] });     } else {         $state.go('register.Login');     } }]); 

Everything works fine, when cookies are present and authenication works without any problems but $state.go does nothing, i cant figure out why, can you please help and explain me...

like image 489
dulebov.artem Avatar asked Oct 14 '14 07:10


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The $state.go is an AngularJS directive that tells the view to update its URL to reflect the current state of the application. This directive is used to change the URL without navigating away from the current page.

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The STATE in AngularJS is a mechanism that allows us to update the view based on changes to the model. It is a two-way binding between data and DOM elements. Moreover, the State helps us keep track of data that changes over time, such as whether a particular button has been pressed or not.

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1 Answers

Yep, as suggested it looks like $state.go() doesn't work correctly in module.run().

I found that putting the $state code in a $timeout works, e.g.

angular.module('MainApp').run($timeout, $state, ...) {      $timeout(function() {         $state.go('main');     });  } 
like image 112
Dunc Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
