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JavaScript-like Object data type in Java?


I am experienced in JavaScript, but new to Java. In JavaScript there are "object" data types where a given variable essentially has sub-variables with their own unique values, for example:

var car = {type:"Fiat", model:500, color:"white"}; 

It is almost like an array, but not quite (JavaScript has arrays too). I am wondering if the same type of thing exists in Java? If so, how would I declare the same thing in Java? Based on my searches I can't find an object data type, but thought maybe there was something similar?

like image 498
Anon Avatar asked Nov 06 '14 17:11


People also ask

Does Java have objects like JavaScript?

Object Oriented ProgrammingBoth Java and JavaScript are object oriented languages. While Java necessitates use of objects throughout the codebase, JavaScript is considerably more forgiving, allowing for simple linear programming without the use of objects.

Is there an object datatype in Java?

Is Object a datatype in java? Yes. Every class in Java is a datatype and Object is a class which means that it too is a datatype.

Is object a data type in JavaScript?

Data Types in JavaScript String, Number, and Boolean are primitive data types. Object, Array, and Function (which are all types of objects) are composite data types.

Is object a JavaScript object type?

The Object type represents one of JavaScript's data types. It is used to store various keyed collections and more complex entities. Objects can be created using the Object() constructor or the object initializer / literal syntax.

1 Answers

While Java has a type called object, it's not what you want. Almost everything in Java is an object, and there are two ways to handle this:

  1. Define a strongly-typed object with the correct properties, as a class. Javascript has a similar concept, implemented differently, but it should be recognizable:

    public class Car {     private String type;     private int model;     private String color;      public Car(final String type, final int model, final String color) {         this.type = type;         this.model = model;         this.color = color;     }      public String getType() { return this.type; }     public int getModel() { return this.model; }     public String getColor() { return this.color; } }  final Car car = new Car("Fiat", 500, "white");  // To get the color, you must: car.getColor(); 

    Add methods to get and set attributes as appropriate, methods to start, stop, drive, etc.

  2. If you want a loose collection of properties without behavior or restriction, use a Map. Again, there exists a Javascript equivalent (the {x: 1, y: 2} construct without using the new keyword).

    final Map<String, Object> car = new HashMap<>(); car.put("type", "Fiat"); car.put("model", 500); car.put("color", "white");  // To get the color, you: car.get("color"); 

    The disadvantage with this approach is that the compiler cannot enforce the types of those objects (nearly as well), and the map cannot have custom behaviors (in any reasonable way). In your example, model was a number, but this will allow you to assign anything regardless of whether it makes sense (perhaps someone keeps the data on a server and uses an HttpConnection, all of your code expecting a number explodes).

In Java, the first method is recommended if you know you'll have multiple cars, all with the same (or similar) properties. It allows the compiler to both enforce and optimize for the properties that you know will exist, and inheritance allows you to add additional properties later. The class also allow you to define methods which operate on that instance, which can help create abstraction between parts of the system (you don't need to know how a car starts, you just tell the car to start itself).

For reference, the Javascript equivalents are:

// #1 var Car = function(type, model, color) {     this.type = type;     this.model = model;     this.color = color; }  var car = new Car("Fiat", 500, "white");  // #2 var car = {type: "Fiat", model: 500, color: "white"};  // For either option, to get the color you can simply: console.log(car.color); 

What should stand out most obviously is that Java keeps track of what type each variable is. Not visible is that Java will prevent you from assigning to unknown properties, say car.mileage, where Javascript will happily add a new property. Finally, Java has a concept of visibility, and makes things private (invisible to outside viewers) by default. Replicating that in Javascript would look something like:

var Car = function(type, model, color) {     var _type = type;     var _model = model;     var _color = color;      this.getType = function() { return _type; }     this.getModel = function() { return _model; }     this.getColor = function() { return _color; } }  console.log(car.getColor()); 

In Javascript, you take advantage of closure to hide data. Java defaults to hidden, and requires you to expose data when you need to. It's an interesting choice, very relevant when comparing code-bases, and can help keep classes independent of one another. It's also very easy (and tempting) to violate when you start writing in OO languages, so something to keep in mind (using simple structs will come back to haunt you).

like image 168
ssube Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10
