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Modifying User entity when registering using FOS User Bundle and Symfony2

As many people know, the FOS User Bundle doesn't provide roles automatically when a user registers. The most common solution is to either a) modify the User entity constructor to automatically assign a role, or b) override the entire registration controller.

Neither of these solutions seems perfect, and I want to make use of the Events that the FOS user bundle provides.

I have managed to capture the event I want (FOSUserEvents::REGISTRATION_INITIALIZE), but I am having trouble figuring out how to pass the modified User entity back to the registration form.

The code I have so far is as follows:

namespace HCLabs\UserBundle\EventListener;

use FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use FOS\UserBundle\Event\UserEvent;
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface;

class AutoRoleAssignmentListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
  public static function getSubscribedEvents()
    return [ FOSUserEvents::REGISTRATION_INITIALIZE => 'onRegistrationInitialise' ];

  public function onRegistrationInitialise( UserEvent $event )
    $user = $event->getUser();
    $user->addRole( 'ROLE_USER' );

    // what do

The YML for the event listener:

        class: HCLabs\UserBundle\EventListener\AutoRoleAssignmentListener
            - { name: kernel.event_subscriber }

If more code is needed I'm happy to provide it. Thanks for your help.

like image 974
jrdn Avatar asked Aug 13 '13 15:08


1 Answers

Answer is very simple - you have to do nothing to get updated User object in registration form after updated User in event listener for FOSUserEvents::REGISTRATION_INITIALIZE event.

Let me explain. FOSUserEvents::REGISTRATION_INITIALIZE is dispatched in RegistrationController by:

$dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::REGISTRATION_INITIALIZE, new UserEvent($user, $request));

And, before this dispatch in code (https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle/blob/master/Controller/RegistrationController.php#L43) new User is created:

    $user = $userManager->createUser();

    $dispatcher->dispatch(FOSUserEvents::REGISTRATION_INITIALIZE, new UserEvent($user, $request));

During dispatching, by default PHP call_user_func (http://php.net/manual/en/function.call-user-func.php ) is called with pasted event name (function in defined object) and Event object. After that, event listener has possibility to modify pasted Event object - particularly event property.

In your case, your event listener modify User property via:

$user = $event->getUser();
$user->addRole( 'ROLE_USER' );

So in fact, you have to do nothing to pass the modified User entity back to the registration form.

like image 92
NHG Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11