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Modifying the edmx template file

I'm using EF 6.02 with Visual Studio 2013.

What I need to do is to be able to modify the Model.Context.tt file (generated when creating or modifying the EDMX file) to place certain attributes and namespaces in the generated POCO classes so I don't have to manually place the attributes in there again.

Here is a sample of a generated EF6 DbContext POCO class that I modified. Note that I added the System.Runtime.Serialization namespace and the DataMember attribute.

I would like to be able to not only do this, but for other things that may pop up in the future. By being able to do this, I will be able to use these generated POCO classes directly when using Linq to Entities to populate them.

If I need data from two or more entities in the same model, I can simply create an appropriate ViewModel by just grabbing the already generated classes and take the properties I just need.

I'd appreciate input on how I can modify the template to accomplish these tasks.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace AjaxCallModel
    [Serializable, DataContract(IsReference = true)]
    public partial class Rating
        public Rating()
            this.Restaurants = new HashSet<Restaurant>();

        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string UserName { get; set; }
        public short RatingValue { get; set; }
        public System.DateTime RatingDate { get; set; }
        public string Comments { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<Restaurant> Restaurants { get; set; }

The following is the code in the template file which was generated during the creation/modification of the EDMX file.

<#@ template language="C#" debug="false" hostspecific="true"#>
<#@ include file="EF6.Utility.CS.ttinclude"#><#@
 output extension=".cs"#><#

const string inputFile = @"Model.edmx";
var textTransform = DynamicTextTransformation.Create(this);
var code = new CodeGenerationTools(this);
var ef = new MetadataTools(this);
var typeMapper = new TypeMapper(code, ef, textTransform.Errors);
var loader = new EdmMetadataLoader(textTransform.Host, textTransform.Errors);
var itemCollection = loader.CreateEdmItemCollection(inputFile);
var modelNamespace = loader.GetModelNamespace(inputFile);
var codeStringGenerator = new CodeStringGenerator(code, typeMapper, ef);

var container = itemCollection.OfType<EntityContainer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (container == null)
    return string.Empty;
// <auto-generated>
// <#=CodeGenerationTools.GetResourceString("Template_GeneratedCodeCommentLine1")#>
// <#=CodeGenerationTools.GetResourceString("Template_GeneratedCodeCommentLine2")#>
// <#=CodeGenerationTools.GetResourceString("Template_GeneratedCodeCommentLine3")#>
// </auto-generated>


var codeNamespace = code.VsNamespaceSuggestion();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(codeNamespace))
namespace <#=code.EscapeNamespace(codeNamespace)#>
    PushIndent("    ");

using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
if (container.FunctionImports.Any())
using System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects;
using System.Linq;

<#=Accessibility.ForType(container)#> partial class <#=code.Escape(container)#> : DbContext
    public <#=code.Escape(container)#>()
        : base("name=<#=container.Name#>")
if (!loader.IsLazyLoadingEnabled(container))
        this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

foreach (var entitySet in container.BaseEntitySets.OfType<EntitySet>())
    // Note: the DbSet members are defined below such that the getter and
    // setter always have the same accessibility as the DbSet definition
    if (Accessibility.ForReadOnlyProperty(entitySet) != "public")

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        throw new UnintentionalCodeFirstException();

    foreach (var entitySet in container.BaseEntitySets.OfType<EntitySet>())

    foreach (var edmFunction in container.FunctionImports)
        WriteFunctionImport(typeMapper, codeStringGenerator, edmFunction, modelNamespace, includeMergeOption: false);

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(codeNamespace))

private void WriteFunctionImport(TypeMapper typeMapper, CodeStringGenerator codeStringGenerator, EdmFunction edmFunction, string modelNamespace, bool includeMergeOption)
    if (typeMapper.IsComposable(edmFunction))

    [DbFunction("<#=edmFunction.NamespaceName#>", "<#=edmFunction.Name#>")]
    <#=codeStringGenerator.ComposableFunctionMethod(edmFunction, modelNamespace)#>
        codeStringGenerator.WriteFunctionParameters(edmFunction, WriteFunctionParameter);
        <#=codeStringGenerator.ComposableCreateQuery(edmFunction, modelNamespace)#>

    <#=codeStringGenerator.FunctionMethod(edmFunction, modelNamespace, includeMergeOption)#>
        codeStringGenerator.WriteFunctionParameters(edmFunction, WriteFunctionParameter);
        <#=codeStringGenerator.ExecuteFunction(edmFunction, modelNamespace, includeMergeOption)#>
        if (typeMapper.GenerateMergeOptionFunction(edmFunction, includeMergeOption))
            WriteFunctionImport(typeMapper, codeStringGenerator, edmFunction, modelNamespace, includeMergeOption: true);

public void WriteFunctionParameter(string name, string isNotNull, string notNullInit, string nullInit)
        var <#=name#> = <#=isNotNull#> ?
            <#=notNullInit#> :


public const string TemplateId = "CSharp_DbContext_Context_EF6";

public class CodeStringGenerator
    private readonly CodeGenerationTools _code;
    private readonly TypeMapper _typeMapper;
    private readonly MetadataTools _ef;

    public CodeStringGenerator(CodeGenerationTools code, TypeMapper typeMapper, MetadataTools ef)
        ArgumentNotNull(code, "code");
        ArgumentNotNull(typeMapper, "typeMapper");
        ArgumentNotNull(ef, "ef");

        _code = code;
        _typeMapper = typeMapper;
        _ef = ef;

    public string Property(EdmProperty edmProperty)
        return string.Format(
            "{0} {1} {2} {{ {3}get; {4}set; }}",

    public string NavigationProperty(NavigationProperty navProp)
        var endType = _typeMapper.GetTypeName(navProp.ToEndMember.GetEntityType());
        return string.Format(
            "{0} {1} {2} {{ {3}get; {4}set; }}",
            navProp.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many ? ("ICollection<" + endType + ">") : endType,

    public string AccessibilityAndVirtual(string accessibility)
        return accessibility + (accessibility != "private" ? " virtual" : "");

    public string EntityClassOpening(EntityType entity)
        return string.Format(
            "{0} {1}partial class {2}{3}",
            _code.StringBefore(" : ", _typeMapper.GetTypeName(entity.BaseType)));

    public string EnumOpening(SimpleType enumType)
        return string.Format(
            "{0} enum {1} : {2}",

    public void WriteFunctionParameters(EdmFunction edmFunction, Action<string, string, string, string> writeParameter)
        var parameters = FunctionImportParameter.Create(edmFunction.Parameters, _code, _ef);
        foreach (var parameter in parameters.Where(p => p.NeedsLocalVariable))
            var isNotNull = parameter.IsNullableOfT ? parameter.FunctionParameterName + ".HasValue" : parameter.FunctionParameterName + " != null";
            var notNullInit = "new ObjectParameter(\"" + parameter.EsqlParameterName + "\", " + parameter.FunctionParameterName + ")";
            var nullInit = "new ObjectParameter(\"" + parameter.EsqlParameterName + "\", typeof(" + TypeMapper.FixNamespaces(parameter.RawClrTypeName) + "))";
            writeParameter(parameter.LocalVariableName, isNotNull, notNullInit, nullInit);

    public string ComposableFunctionMethod(EdmFunction edmFunction, string modelNamespace)
        var parameters = _typeMapper.GetParameters(edmFunction);

        return string.Format(
            "{0} IQueryable<{1}> {2}({3})",
            _typeMapper.GetTypeName(_typeMapper.GetReturnType(edmFunction), modelNamespace),
            string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => TypeMapper.FixNamespaces(p.FunctionParameterType) + " " + p.FunctionParameterName).ToArray()));

    public string ComposableCreateQuery(EdmFunction edmFunction, string modelNamespace)
        var parameters = _typeMapper.GetParameters(edmFunction);

        return string.Format(
            "return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.CreateQuery<{0}>(\"[{1}].[{2}]({3})\"{4});",
            _typeMapper.GetTypeName(_typeMapper.GetReturnType(edmFunction), modelNamespace),
            string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => "@" + p.EsqlParameterName).ToArray()),
            _code.StringBefore(", ", string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => p.ExecuteParameterName).ToArray())));

    public string FunctionMethod(EdmFunction edmFunction, string modelNamespace, bool includeMergeOption)
        var parameters = _typeMapper.GetParameters(edmFunction);
        var returnType = _typeMapper.GetReturnType(edmFunction);

        var paramList = String.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => TypeMapper.FixNamespaces(p.FunctionParameterType) + " " + p.FunctionParameterName).ToArray());
        if (includeMergeOption)
            paramList = _code.StringAfter(paramList, ", ") + "MergeOption mergeOption";

        return string.Format(
            "{0} {1} {2}({3})",
            returnType == null ? "int" : "ObjectResult<" + _typeMapper.GetTypeName(returnType, modelNamespace) + ">",

    public string ExecuteFunction(EdmFunction edmFunction, string modelNamespace, bool includeMergeOption)
        var parameters = _typeMapper.GetParameters(edmFunction);
        var returnType = _typeMapper.GetReturnType(edmFunction);

        var callParams = _code.StringBefore(", ", String.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => p.ExecuteParameterName).ToArray()));
        if (includeMergeOption)
            callParams = ", mergeOption" + callParams;

        return string.Format(
            "return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction{0}(\"{1}\"{2});",
            returnType == null ? "" : "<" + _typeMapper.GetTypeName(returnType, modelNamespace) + ">",

    public string DbSet(EntitySet entitySet)
        return string.Format(
            "{0} virtual DbSet<{1}> {2} {{ get; set; }}",

    public string DbSetInitializer(EntitySet entitySet)
        return string.Format(
            "{0} = Set<{1}>();",

    public string UsingDirectives(bool inHeader, bool includeCollections = true)
        return inHeader == string.IsNullOrEmpty(_code.VsNamespaceSuggestion())
            ? string.Format(
                "{0}using System;{1}" +
                inHeader ? Environment.NewLine : "",
                includeCollections ? (Environment.NewLine + "using System.Collections.Generic;") : "",
                inHeader ? "" : Environment.NewLine)
            : "";

public class TypeMapper
    private const string ExternalTypeNameAttributeName = @"http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/codegeneration:ExternalTypeName";

    private readonly System.Collections.IList _errors;
    private readonly CodeGenerationTools _code;
    private readonly MetadataTools _ef;

    public static string FixNamespaces(string typeName)
        return typeName.Replace("System.Data.Spatial.", "System.Data.Entity.Spatial.");

    public TypeMapper(CodeGenerationTools code, MetadataTools ef, System.Collections.IList errors)
        ArgumentNotNull(code, "code");
        ArgumentNotNull(ef, "ef");
        ArgumentNotNull(errors, "errors");

        _code = code;
        _ef = ef;
        _errors = errors;

    public string GetTypeName(TypeUsage typeUsage)
        return typeUsage == null ? null : GetTypeName(typeUsage.EdmType, _ef.IsNullable(typeUsage), modelNamespace: null);

    public string GetTypeName(EdmType edmType)
        return GetTypeName(edmType, isNullable: null, modelNamespace: null);

    public string GetTypeName(TypeUsage typeUsage, string modelNamespace)
        return typeUsage == null ? null : GetTypeName(typeUsage.EdmType, _ef.IsNullable(typeUsage), modelNamespace);

    public string GetTypeName(EdmType edmType, string modelNamespace)
        return GetTypeName(edmType, isNullable: null, modelNamespace: modelNamespace);

    public string GetTypeName(EdmType edmType, bool? isNullable, string modelNamespace)
        if (edmType == null)
            return null;

        var collectionType = edmType as CollectionType;
        if (collectionType != null)
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "ICollection<{0}>", GetTypeName(collectionType.TypeUsage, modelNamespace));

        var typeName = _code.Escape(edmType.MetadataProperties
                                .Where(p => p.Name == ExternalTypeNameAttributeName)
                                .Select(p => (string)p.Value)
            ?? (modelNamespace != null && edmType.NamespaceName != modelNamespace ?
                _code.CreateFullName(_code.EscapeNamespace(edmType.NamespaceName), _code.Escape(edmType)) :

        if (edmType is StructuralType)
            return typeName;

        if (edmType is SimpleType)
            var clrType = UnderlyingClrType(edmType);
            if (!IsEnumType(edmType))
                typeName = _code.Escape(clrType);

            typeName = FixNamespaces(typeName);

            return clrType.IsValueType && isNullable == true ?
                String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Nullable<{0}>", typeName) :

        throw new ArgumentException("edmType");

    public Type UnderlyingClrType(EdmType edmType)
        ArgumentNotNull(edmType, "edmType");

        var primitiveType = edmType as PrimitiveType;
        if (primitiveType != null)
            return primitiveType.ClrEquivalentType;

        if (IsEnumType(edmType))
            return GetEnumUnderlyingType(edmType).ClrEquivalentType;

        return typeof(object);

    public object GetEnumMemberValue(MetadataItem enumMember)
        ArgumentNotNull(enumMember, "enumMember");

        var valueProperty = enumMember.GetType().GetProperty("Value");
        return valueProperty == null ? null : valueProperty.GetValue(enumMember, null);

    public string GetEnumMemberName(MetadataItem enumMember)
        ArgumentNotNull(enumMember, "enumMember");

        var nameProperty = enumMember.GetType().GetProperty("Name");
        return nameProperty == null ? null : (string)nameProperty.GetValue(enumMember, null);

    public System.Collections.IEnumerable GetEnumMembers(EdmType enumType)
        ArgumentNotNull(enumType, "enumType");

        var membersProperty = enumType.GetType().GetProperty("Members");
        return membersProperty != null 
            ? (System.Collections.IEnumerable)membersProperty.GetValue(enumType, null)
            : Enumerable.Empty<MetadataItem>();

    public bool EnumIsFlags(EdmType enumType)
        ArgumentNotNull(enumType, "enumType");

        var isFlagsProperty = enumType.GetType().GetProperty("IsFlags");
        return isFlagsProperty != null && (bool)isFlagsProperty.GetValue(enumType, null);

    public bool IsEnumType(GlobalItem edmType)
        ArgumentNotNull(edmType, "edmType");

        return edmType.GetType().Name == "EnumType";

    public PrimitiveType GetEnumUnderlyingType(EdmType enumType)
        ArgumentNotNull(enumType, "enumType");

        return (PrimitiveType)enumType.GetType().GetProperty("UnderlyingType").GetValue(enumType, null);

    public string CreateLiteral(object value)
        if (value == null || value.GetType() != typeof(TimeSpan))
            return _code.CreateLiteral(value);

        return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "new TimeSpan({0})", ((TimeSpan)value).Ticks);

    public bool VerifyCaseInsensitiveTypeUniqueness(IEnumerable<string> types, string sourceFile)
        ArgumentNotNull(types, "types");
        ArgumentNotNull(sourceFile, "sourceFile");

        var hash = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
        if (types.Any(item => !hash.Add(item)))
                new CompilerError(sourceFile, -1, -1, "6023",
                    String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CodeGenerationTools.GetResourceString("Template_CaseInsensitiveTypeConflict"))));
            return false;
        return true;

    public IEnumerable<SimpleType> GetEnumItemsToGenerate(IEnumerable<GlobalItem> itemCollection)
        return GetItemsToGenerate<SimpleType>(itemCollection)
            .Where(e => IsEnumType(e));

    public IEnumerable<T> GetItemsToGenerate<T>(IEnumerable<GlobalItem> itemCollection) where T: EdmType
        return itemCollection
            .Where(i => !i.MetadataProperties.Any(p => p.Name == ExternalTypeNameAttributeName))
            .OrderBy(i => i.Name);

    public IEnumerable<string> GetAllGlobalItems(IEnumerable<GlobalItem> itemCollection)
        return itemCollection
            .Where(i => i is EntityType || i is ComplexType || i is EntityContainer || IsEnumType(i))
            .Select(g => GetGlobalItemName(g));

    public string GetGlobalItemName(GlobalItem item)
        if (item is EdmType)
            return ((EdmType)item).Name;
            return ((EntityContainer)item).Name;

    public IEnumerable<EdmProperty> GetSimpleProperties(EntityType type)
        return type.Properties.Where(p => p.TypeUsage.EdmType is SimpleType && p.DeclaringType == type);

    public IEnumerable<EdmProperty> GetSimpleProperties(ComplexType type)
        return type.Properties.Where(p => p.TypeUsage.EdmType is SimpleType && p.DeclaringType == type);

    public IEnumerable<EdmProperty> GetComplexProperties(EntityType type)
        return type.Properties.Where(p => p.TypeUsage.EdmType is ComplexType && p.DeclaringType == type);

    public IEnumerable<EdmProperty> GetComplexProperties(ComplexType type)
        return type.Properties.Where(p => p.TypeUsage.EdmType is ComplexType && p.DeclaringType == type);

    public IEnumerable<EdmProperty> GetPropertiesWithDefaultValues(EntityType type)
        return type.Properties.Where(p => p.TypeUsage.EdmType is SimpleType && p.DeclaringType == type && p.DefaultValue != null);

    public IEnumerable<EdmProperty> GetPropertiesWithDefaultValues(ComplexType type)
        return type.Properties.Where(p => p.TypeUsage.EdmType is SimpleType && p.DeclaringType == type && p.DefaultValue != null);

    public IEnumerable<NavigationProperty> GetNavigationProperties(EntityType type)
        return type.NavigationProperties.Where(np => np.DeclaringType == type);

    public IEnumerable<NavigationProperty> GetCollectionNavigationProperties(EntityType type)
        return type.NavigationProperties.Where(np => np.DeclaringType == type && np.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many);

    public FunctionParameter GetReturnParameter(EdmFunction edmFunction)
        ArgumentNotNull(edmFunction, "edmFunction");

        var returnParamsProperty = edmFunction.GetType().GetProperty("ReturnParameters");
        return returnParamsProperty == null
            ? edmFunction.ReturnParameter
            : ((IEnumerable<FunctionParameter>)returnParamsProperty.GetValue(edmFunction, null)).FirstOrDefault();

    public bool IsComposable(EdmFunction edmFunction)
        ArgumentNotNull(edmFunction, "edmFunction");

        var isComposableProperty = edmFunction.GetType().GetProperty("IsComposableAttribute");
        return isComposableProperty != null && (bool)isComposableProperty.GetValue(edmFunction, null);

    public IEnumerable<FunctionImportParameter> GetParameters(EdmFunction edmFunction)
        return FunctionImportParameter.Create(edmFunction.Parameters, _code, _ef);

    public TypeUsage GetReturnType(EdmFunction edmFunction)
        var returnParam = GetReturnParameter(edmFunction);
        return returnParam == null ? null : _ef.GetElementType(returnParam.TypeUsage);

    public bool GenerateMergeOptionFunction(EdmFunction edmFunction, bool includeMergeOption)
        var returnType = GetReturnType(edmFunction);
        return !includeMergeOption && returnType != null && returnType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType;

public static void ArgumentNotNull<T>(T arg, string name) where T : class
    if (arg == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(name);
like image 562
sagesky36 Avatar asked Dec 20 '13 16:12


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How to create and update edmx file using Entity Framework data model?

To update the table field changes in TestModel.tt file, right on TestModel.tt file and choose Run Custom Tool. Thus, you have learned how to create and update an .edmx file using Entity Framework Data Model in Visual Studio 2012.

1 Answers

As a started, you can just update the Model.tt file directly. This file wont be regenerated when you refresh your edmx file. The Model.tt file will only be replaced if you delete and recreate your edmx file from scratch.

To give you a started on where to edit:

For your using statements, you can just add them underneath the line that says

<#=codeStringGenerator.UsingDirectives(inHeader: false)#>

Like so:

<#=codeStringGenerator.UsingDirectives(inHeader: false)#>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

To add your data contract attribute, that can go just below the using statments:

<#=codeStringGenerator.UsingDirectives(inHeader: false)#>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;


For your data member attributes, for standard properties placing your attribute just before:


Like so:


And similarly for navigation properties, just before:


Like so:


EDIT 29/09/2014 - To make the properties virtual, you need to modify the CodeStringGenerator class defined with the tt template (You should find this roughly around line 154). The code to change is within the "Property" method (roughly line 170). So change the bit that looks like this:

public string Property(EdmProperty edmProperty)
    return string.Format(
        "{0} {1} {2} {{ {3}get; {4}set; }}",

To this:

public string Property(EdmProperty edmProperty)
    return string.Format(
        "{0} virtual {1} {2} {{ {3}get; {4}set; }}",
like image 115
Matt Whetton Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Matt Whetton