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Mockito ClassCastException

The method I want to test has a for loop with logic for each element in bList:

class A {
    void someMethod(){

        for(B b: bList){
            //some logic for b

I get an exception when executing following test:

class ATest {

    private B b;

    private Map<Int, List<B>> bMap;

    @Mock(answer = Answers.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS)
    private List<B> bList;

    private C c;

    public void test(){

        //this line executes fine

        //strangely this works fine

        when(bList.get(0)).thenReturn(b); // or when(bList.get(anyInt())).thenReturn(b);


The exception I get is:

org.mockito.internal.creation.jmock.ClassImposterizer$ClassWithSuperclassToWorkAroundCglibBug$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$ cannot be cast to xyz.B

Has anyone encountered this before and come up with a workaround?

I have searched for a solution and have come across some links: http://code.google.com/p/mockito/issues/detail?id=251 and http://code.google.com/p/mockito/issues/detail?id=107

like image 242
aces. Avatar asked Apr 25 '12 21:04


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1 Answers

As this link you posted indicates, you've encountered a bug with Answers.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS.

I don't actually see any reason to actually use RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS in your example code. You really should try to evaluate whether or not you need deep stubs, because, as the Mockito docs say, "every time a mock returns a mock a fairy dies." So if you can, just take that out and your example will work.

However, if you insist on using deep stubs, you can hack around this error by up-casting the return value from the method call to Object. For example, replace the offending line in your code with this:


All that being said, I personally agree with @jhericks. The best solution is probably to use an actual ArrayList which contains your mock as opposed to mocking List. The only problem is getting your list injected, so you'd have to use @Spy. For example:

class ATest{
  private B b = mock(B.class);
  private List<B> bList = new ArrayList<B>() {{ add(b); }};

  private C c = new C();

  public void test(){
    // verify results
like image 183
Tim Pote Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10

Tim Pote