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Mocking HttpContext doesn't work

I am trying to mock out HttpContext so that I can unit test my controller's Request.IsAuthenicated call. I am using the code that I found at Scott Hanselman's blog to simulate HttpContext using rhino.mocks. so i have this unit test piece:

PostsController postsController = new PostsController(postDL);

In my controller action, I have something like if(Request.IsAuthenticated).... when I try to run the unit test, the test fails throwing a null exception, and when I try to debug the unit test, I see that the HttpContext is never assigned to the controller. any ideas?

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VolkanUzun Avatar asked Oct 27 '08 04:10


1 Answers

This should work:

PostsController postsController = new PostsController(postDL);
var context = mocks.Stub<HttpContextBase>();
var request = mocks.Stub<HttpRequestBase>();
postsController.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(context, new RouteData(), postsController);
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Tim Scott Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10

Tim Scott