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Mock a raw_input python

I have this function that should receive a list [x,y]

def input_origem():
    origem = raw_input("Entre com o valor de x: ")
    origem = eval(origem)
    return origem
def input_saida():
    destino = raw_input("Entre com o valor de y  ")
    destino = eval(destino)
    return destino

def my func(origem, destino):


print  myfunc(input_origem(), input_saida())

This code works well, but I don't know how to mock this function.

I tried this way:

class TEste(base.TestCase):
    def test_movimento_cavalo(self, origem_mock, saida_mock):
        origem_mock = self.mock.MagicMock()
        saida_mock = self.mock.MagickMock()
        myfunc(origem_mock, saida_mock)

But the test never completes. When I cancel, I get:

origem = raw_input("Entre com o valor de x: ") KeyboardInterrupt

like image 556
Guilherme Lima Avatar asked Feb 05 '23 11:02

Guilherme Lima

1 Answers

You should be able to mock __builtin__.raw_input using whatever facilities you normally use to mock things.

A very simple example using unittest and mock looks like this:

import unittest
import mock
import __builtin__

def test_raw_input():
    return raw_input()

class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    @mock.patch.object(__builtin__, 'raw_input')
    def test_stuff(self, mock_raw_input):
        mock_raw_input.return_value = 7
        self.assertEqual(test_raw_input(), 7)

like image 82
mgilson Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 14:02
