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Mobx State Tree reference type and Typescript

I'm using mobx-state-tree with Typescript in a React application. And, I'm having an issue with Typescript where it complains about the type of the mobx type types.safeReference. It looks like the type of safeReference in the model definition is different from its type when you use .create() to actually create an instance of the model. In my code, selectedProduct's type is converted to string | number | undefined | null in productStore, but in the model definition is IStateTreeNode<...> | undefined | null and that's why I get an error in my root store. How can I fix that?

Here's my Product store:

import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";

const Product = types.model("Product", {
   id: types.identifier,
   name: types.string

const ProductStore = types
  .model("ProductStore", {
    products: types.array(Product),
    selectedProduct: types.safeReference(Product),
  .actions((self) => ({
      // actions here

export const productStore = ProductStore.create({
  products: [],
  selectedProduct: undefined // the type here is different from the type in the actual model

And, here's my root store:

import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";
import ProductStore, { productStore } from "./product-store";

const RootStore = types.model('RootStore', {    
  productStore: ProductStore 

export const rootStore = RootStore.create({
    productStore: productStore // Here is where I get the typescript error.


Another way of reproducing this issue is by trying to create a custom reference. The getter will complain about undefined not being assignable to type {...}.

const ProductByIdReference = types.maybeNull(
  types.reference(Product, {
      get(id: number, parent: Instance<typeof ProductStore>) {
          return parent.products.find(p => p.id === id) || undefined
      set(value: Instance<typeof Product>) {
          return value.id
like image 638
ataravati Avatar asked Jan 29 '21 16:01


1 Answers

Generally speaking when you are trying to use a snapshot where an instance is typically used, you use cast. When you are trying to use an instance where a snapshot is typically used, you use castToSnapshot.

export const rootStore = RootStore.create({
    productStore: castToSnapshot(productStore)
like image 115
Tholle Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
