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Mobile data reported in GA Measurement Protocol appear in realtime but not in daily summary

I've been attempting to log activity on a mobile-like device using the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol. All of these attempts have validated using the validation URL, and I can see activity when I look at the real-time reports on the Analytics website. But when I look at the Home or Overview reports for the day - no activity is shown.

The view is set for "All Mobile App Data".

The POST body looks something like this:


The ua field is just a pre-defined string. I found that if I omitted it, the Real Time monitoring listed the hits as desktop hits, although I was in a Mobile report and the ds field was "app".

Am I missing a field that is required? Is there some reason why it is showing up in the real-time report, but not in a daily report? Is there some other way to diagnose why the data is vanishing, or confirm the data is actually being captured?

When i check the debug endpoint the hit is valid




  "hitParsingResult": [ {
    "valid": true,
    "parserMessage": [ ],
    "hit": "/debug/collect?v=1\u0026tid=UA-53766825-1\u0026ds=app\u0026qt=1601\u0026uid=uid-zzzzz\u0026t=screenview\u0026cd=Foo\u0026an=Foo%20App%20Name\u0026aid=com.example.foo\u0026aiid=com.example.foo\u0026av=0.0.1\u0026ua=Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Linux%3B%20Android%207.0%3B%20SM-G930V%20Build%2FNRD90M)%20AppleWebKit%2F537.36%20(KHTML%2C%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome%2F59.0.3071.125%20Mobile%20Safari%2F537.36"
  } ],
  "parserMessage": [ {
    "messageType": "INFO",
    "description": "Found 1 hit in the request."
  } ]

I cannot use one of the mobile libraries from Firebase - this is not one of the platforms they support. I do not wish to pretend this is a web page - there is no associated hostname or path. I do not wish to use Events since I can't do event Behavior Flow, which is one of the things I'm interested in seeing.

I'm aware that it can sometimes take "a day or so" for results to first appear. The site was setup over five days ago at this point, and has received data during that time.

Good thought about the anti-spam setting, however the setting appears to be correct:

enter image description here

I've also tried using GET instead of POST - no change, it still shows the hit in real-time, but then it vanishes.

However, I know that it can record hits permanently. There were two hits from a spammer in Russia that have shown up in the daily report (I wasn't there to see it show up in real-time). I don't know what they did, but would love to find out since it might help figure out how I can add a record.

In the real-time reports, it correctly points out the data center all the hits are coming from. Perhaps that is filtering it out somewhere out of my control?

like image 903
Prisoner Avatar asked Nov 20 '17 21:11


People also ask

Why is Google Analytics not showing real-Time data?

If you don't see any data at all in your Real-Time reports, the most likely cause is either in the Google Analytics tracking code or GA/GTM misconfiguration. You should check your tags in Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics filters, and also use browser extensions for debugging.

How long does it take Google Analytics to show data?

Data processing latency Processing latency is 24-48 hours. Standard accounts that send more than 200,000 sessions per day to Analytics will result in the reports being refreshed only once a day. This can delay updates to reports and metrics for up to two days.

How long does it take for data to show on GA4?

Many of your reports and explorations can take 24-48 hours to process data from your website or app. You can use the Realtime and DebugView reports to confirm that you're collecting data from your website or app successfully.

1 Answers

Try adding Cid I know it says this is an optional parameter but for mobile accounts I belive it may be required.

Client ID


This field is required if User ID (uid) is not specified in the request. This anonymously identifies a particular user, device, or browser instance. For the web, this is generally stored as a first-party cookie with a two-year expiration. For mobile apps, this is randomly generated for each particular instance of an application install. The value of this field should be a random UUID (version 4) as described in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt.

Example value: 35009a79-1a05-49d7-b876-2b884d0f825b

Although this says it needs to be a UUIDv4, it does work with other UUIDs (I've tested it with a v5, which is a hash against the value used for the uid parameter).

like image 68
DaImTo Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09
