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Filtering by user-agent in google analytics

Iis there a way to filter by user-agent, in the profile filter (Admin < Profiles < Filter)?

(Is "Browser version" the same thing as user-agent?)

like image 865
Andy Hayden Avatar asked Aug 20 '12 10:08

Andy Hayden

1 Answers

Google Analytics Browser Version is NOT the same as the UA header. Browser version will give you 11 or Edge or 35 depending on Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc. Operating System, Browser, Device Category, etc. are just Google's pre-parsed User Agent results.

However what you can do is use Google Tag Manager and create a custom JavaScript variable that returns navigator.userAgent as a variable that you can push to Google Analytics as a custom Dimension.

You can of course do the same without GTM by using pure JavaScript and the Analytics.js, GTM is just a much easier way to do these things.

When you have the User Agent as a custom dimension in Google Analytics, you can run reports on these.

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VERB Interactive Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 02:11

VERB Interactive