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Missing Visual Studio Web Application publish targets

I am missing the usual publish targets when publishing my c# web application. The usual "Import" and "Custom" options are missing when I go to publish, as well as the "Manage Profiles" drop down that has the option to create a new profile.

Here is the screen I am presented with.

Missing Publish Targets

The buttons on the left hand side are "greyed out"

Here is another screen from a colleague that has the missing options

Correct Publish Targets

I have tried a full reinstall of Visual Studio 2015 update 1 with no success. I have also tried creating a fresh ASP.NET Web application project in a new solution resulting with the same problem.

like image 873
Stewart Parry Avatar asked Feb 05 '16 09:02

Stewart Parry

People also ask

How do I publish a Visual Studio Web app?

You can publish your web app to both local and network folders. First, provide the path and click Finish to complete the Publish wizard. Next, you see the summary page for the new publish profile that you just created using the Publish wizard. Click Publish and Visual Studio deploys your web app to the provided path.

Where is publish profile in Visual Studio 2019?

The PublishProfiles folder is under Properties in a C# web application project, under My Project in a VB web application project, or under App_Data in a web site project. Each .

2 Answers

In the end this ended up being a corrupt publish profile file in the Properties/PublishProfiles/xxxx.pubxml within the project.

like image 110
Stewart Parry Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Stewart Parry

There are multipy options for this behavior:

  • Issue with the Web Deploy Tool

    Try to reinstall the current Web Deploy 3.5 Tool

  • Depending on the exact Version of your Visual Studio and your Operating System

    There are known issues about specific OS/Visual Studio combinations.

  • Missing Web Developer Tools at Installation

    Select the Web Developer Tools Option at installation

    Option for installation

like image 33
Smartis Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
